Light bulb came on!
The mantra now is: "If you vote third party, you are not only throwing your vote away, but you will give Hillary the White House". Of course, that was the mantra in 2008, and 2012. Along with every other election. We were told to pinch our noses, and vote.
I should be very clear, people should vote, and support, their candidate of choice. Like Trump? Good, vote for him! That is how we are supposed to act. I am not writing this to you.
I am writing, as I am not thrilled with Trump. I am, of course, less thrilled with Hillary. I am tired of settling for a candidate, simply because we can't let the other one win.
What if I feel that voting for Trump is settling for the lesser of two evils? It is still evil, and we will reap what we sow.
I was thinking about this, when something came to me. As conservatives, we are to the GOP what the blacks are to the Democrats. a solid voting block. Don't freak out! Let me explain.
Remember that the Klan was the militant wing of the DEMOCRAT party! The last member of the Klan in Congress was, of course a Democrat. The party did a 180 in the mid 60s, and even though their racism was still there, it was just refocused as benevolence, and taking care of blacks like they were children. I have said it before, but it bears repeating. It is racist to feel that a whole race is so inferior that they can't make it without your help! Of course they don't play it that way, they throw the victim card out, and that ends the argument. So what has 50 years of government benevolence done for the black community? The worst schools ever, broken families, murder rates for teenagers through the roof, high unemployment, and the worst is that there is no end in sight. That is what they have gotten. The Klan couldn't have done better. But when it comes to election time, the race hustlers are out. Telling the people that if Republicans get in, they will take away their entitlements. So, voting for the Democrats by at least 90% is the norm. And what price did the race hustlers pay for that? Nearly all of them were pro-life, realizing, of course that with the likes of Planned Parenthood leading the way, that abortion was genocide. In exchange for a place at the Democrat power table, the fee was abortion, and they paid it.
How does it tie in? When it comes election time, we are told, if you don't support us then it will be Hillary. So we are expected to get in line, after all, to whom will you go? Libertarian? Really? You support that? We were told in 2010, get us the House, and we can make a difference. In 2012, we supported a candidate who promised to get rid of Obamacare, but supported the model in Massachusetts that he put in, he was rightly tarred by it, and conservatives stayed home. In 2008, we were given a candidate that, when defeated for the GOP nomination in 2000, put out that he would be willing to be the Dem VP candidate. Who, when the vast majority of his party wanted to not do TARP, he was brought in to facilitate the Congress in getting that through. He did, and it has been hung around the GOP's neck ever since. In 2014, we were told get us the Senate, and we will stop the President's amnesty Executive Action, it is on hold, for now, but not because of the Congress who voted the appropriation for the Amnesty. So in all these instances, conservatives held their noses, and voted. How much more are we expected to take? Well, The GOP Obama. He will do all that fun stuff for us! Not the point! Do we want to keep ceding these powers to him? Or to any President? And yet, they feel that by throwing the Hillary card, we will get in line.
So that is where I am. Can a Libertarian win? It would be a very narrow path, and ultimately probably not successful, but no party should take my vote for granted.
I should be very clear, people should vote, and support, their candidate of choice. Like Trump? Good, vote for him! That is how we are supposed to act. I am not writing this to you.
I am writing, as I am not thrilled with Trump. I am, of course, less thrilled with Hillary. I am tired of settling for a candidate, simply because we can't let the other one win.
What if I feel that voting for Trump is settling for the lesser of two evils? It is still evil, and we will reap what we sow.
I was thinking about this, when something came to me. As conservatives, we are to the GOP what the blacks are to the Democrats. a solid voting block. Don't freak out! Let me explain.
Remember that the Klan was the militant wing of the DEMOCRAT party! The last member of the Klan in Congress was, of course a Democrat. The party did a 180 in the mid 60s, and even though their racism was still there, it was just refocused as benevolence, and taking care of blacks like they were children. I have said it before, but it bears repeating. It is racist to feel that a whole race is so inferior that they can't make it without your help! Of course they don't play it that way, they throw the victim card out, and that ends the argument. So what has 50 years of government benevolence done for the black community? The worst schools ever, broken families, murder rates for teenagers through the roof, high unemployment, and the worst is that there is no end in sight. That is what they have gotten. The Klan couldn't have done better. But when it comes to election time, the race hustlers are out. Telling the people that if Republicans get in, they will take away their entitlements. So, voting for the Democrats by at least 90% is the norm. And what price did the race hustlers pay for that? Nearly all of them were pro-life, realizing, of course that with the likes of Planned Parenthood leading the way, that abortion was genocide. In exchange for a place at the Democrat power table, the fee was abortion, and they paid it.
How does it tie in? When it comes election time, we are told, if you don't support us then it will be Hillary. So we are expected to get in line, after all, to whom will you go? Libertarian? Really? You support that? We were told in 2010, get us the House, and we can make a difference. In 2012, we supported a candidate who promised to get rid of Obamacare, but supported the model in Massachusetts that he put in, he was rightly tarred by it, and conservatives stayed home. In 2008, we were given a candidate that, when defeated for the GOP nomination in 2000, put out that he would be willing to be the Dem VP candidate. Who, when the vast majority of his party wanted to not do TARP, he was brought in to facilitate the Congress in getting that through. He did, and it has been hung around the GOP's neck ever since. In 2014, we were told get us the Senate, and we will stop the President's amnesty Executive Action, it is on hold, for now, but not because of the Congress who voted the appropriation for the Amnesty. So in all these instances, conservatives held their noses, and voted. How much more are we expected to take? Well, The GOP Obama. He will do all that fun stuff for us! Not the point! Do we want to keep ceding these powers to him? Or to any President? And yet, they feel that by throwing the Hillary card, we will get in line.
So that is where I am. Can a Libertarian win? It would be a very narrow path, and ultimately probably not successful, but no party should take my vote for granted.
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