
Showing posts from June, 2016


I will not apologize for the Libertarian Party posts that I share.  Here is why. Congress approval is at an all time low. People complain about the two party system.  Constantly.  Yet, when it comes time to vote, do they consider a third party?  Not likely. The Libertarian Party (LP) stands for individual freedom.  You can interpret that however you like, but just like it means that adults should be responsible for themselves, in say, using drugs, it also means that as an individual, you don't have to participate in something you disagree with. The LP has been around for decades, very rarely do they get on the debate stage, or even win Congressional seats, or state positions.  Why?  Those that are in power, politically, or in the media, don't want to disrupt the system, in fact, they have worked out a deal, where they collude to keep outsiders off the stage, and deny them the recognition they need to compete. Think about most of the questions...

ISIS and gays, where do we stand?

Well, a tragedy happened last weekend in Orlando.  49 dead, 53 wounded.  A gay bar, not that that matters, as it was an ISIS inspired attack.  What matters is the aftermath.  But first, the way back machine April 5, 1986: A discotheque in Germany frequented by american soldiers was bombed by Libyan terrorists.  3 killed, 230 injured.  No discussion on bomb control, or anything like that.  What happened?  President Reagan sent the 'Varks to give a message to Gadafi. bombing Tripoli and Benghazi.  He got the message. Back to 2016, and Orlando.  What is the President, Democrat members of Congress, Liberal Talking heads, and the Mainstream Media saying? More Gun Control It is the NRA's Fault Blame Republicans Ban Assault weapons. Homophobia I will give that the President did use the term terrorism.  Not radical islamic terrorism, mind you, but terrorism.  He then called for more gun control.  Not sure that was the ...

More of...Republican Leaders are stupid.

As we roll through the summer, with conventions coming up, and then the campaign for the general election, we are watching those DC Republicans do what they do best, snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.  I know, cliche, but applicable.  Come on. How does Romney not win in 2012 against an incumbent president that has presided over the worst recovery since, wait for it, the Great Depression?  (by the way, the tools used for this recovery were the same as the 30s.) Simple.  he wouldn't attack.  He was too afraid of being labeled a racist. A great slate of candidates to start the race in 2015.  Some of the best dropped out before the primaries began.  Too bad.  One thing for sure, this primary season, and maybe the general too, will be proof that it isn't money that wins, it is airtime. Donald Trump has easily secured the nomination.  Deal with it.  To throw up a so called "never Trump" candidate, will only insure a busted party. ...

Dear Governor Johnson, an open letter.

Governor, I am saddened me to read that you were touting that you side with Senator Sanders 73% of the time.  You, of course, state that it is because it is only on economic issues that you disagree with the Socialist from Vermont.  I hope that is wrong, and if it isn't wrong, then what kind of Libertarian are you anyway?  Let me throw out some of the things you said Gay marriage:  You support it.  Never mind that a true libertarian would say "who cares, what business is it of the government to be involved in marriage?"  What concerns me, is that Sanders would support forcing churches that teach against gay marriage to change or shut down.  Do you support that? Pro-Abortion:  You support abortion, period.  So how do you feel about those that are pro-life?  Should they be restricted in anyway?  While most Libertarians probably agree with you on this, I would say that a life is a life.  If you are saying that a woman can de...

a few thoughts

I am reading a book, " Spain in our Hearts " by Adam Hochschild.  It relates a history of the Spanish Civil War, by recounting experiences told mostly from the viewpoint of journalists from the US, and England, soldiers who fought in the International Brigade, Lincoln and Washington Battalions, and others.  For those not familiar, It was a proxy war for Hitler, supporting Francisco Franco and the Nationalists, and Stalin, supporting the Republic.  Most Americans that fought in the war fought for the Republic.   It reinforces the horrors of war.  The Republic lost, and Spain lost thousands on both sides, and all were changed. I regret not having learned more about that history while in Spain.  I had a landlord that had spent years in prison having fought for the Republic.  Many people were still very bitter about the war, with Franco having died only 10 years prior.  I was a fool for not understanding that then. I have some concerns about Gary...