Dear Governor Johnson, an open letter.
I am saddened me to read that you were touting that you side with Senator Sanders 73% of the time. You, of course, state that it is because it is only on economic issues that you disagree with the Socialist from Vermont. I hope that is wrong, and if it isn't wrong, then what kind of Libertarian are you anyway? Let me throw out some of the things you said
Gay marriage: You support it. Never mind that a true libertarian would say "who cares, what business is it of the government to be involved in marriage?" What concerns me, is that Sanders would support forcing churches that teach against gay marriage to change or shut down. Do you support that?
Pro-Abortion: You support abortion, period. So how do you feel about those that are pro-life? Should they be restricted in anyway? While most Libertarians probably agree with you on this, I would say that a life is a life. If you are saying that a woman can decide to end a pregnancy, then why is it wrong to end the lives of Alzheimer's patients, or terminally ill people? They can't care for themselves, why are they different?
Pro-Amnesty: While I agree that we should have a very liberal immigration policy, I would disagree with putting that in place until other measures are put in, and assistance is not available. Do you think that people that break the law and enter the country should have a path to citizenship? Senator Sanders does.
Discrimination laws: This one bothered me the most in the debate moderated by Penn Jillette. You answered, or it seemed your answer was that government absolutely had the authority to criminalize discrimination by individuals, or corporations. Of course, that IS spot on with Senator Sanders. The problem is that that seems a significant power grab for a libertarian to support. Shouldn't a business be able to choose its clientele? Austin Petersen called you out on it, and you seemed to affirm the position.
Do you support affirmative action? That is not an economic issue, and you stated that it is only on economics that you differ. Senator Sanders definitely supports the program, and has advocated expanding it.
Do you support the First Amendment when it comes to religion? Senator Sanders would rather eliminate religion completely from political discourse. If you are a libertarian, then you realize that the Founders only meant to not establish a National Church. Or, do you believe that we are only guaranteed our rights while at church?
I hope that you erred by saying that it was only on the economy that you diverged from the Senator.
I can't believe you don't understand the methodology of Sanders' ideology, which would be odd since you are running for President. All those things you say you agree with him on, he supports using force to do, and while I HOPE you don't support that, you definitely left it hanging out there. Romney lost in 94 against Kennedy because he presented himself as a Democrat-lite. If Sanders wins the nomination (very unlikely), or ultimately enthusiastically endorses Hillary, then you may have created the same scenario. I mean, why not vote for Hillary if the guy you support 73% of the time is supporting her, especially in a state that could make a difference?
SO, do you REALLY stand with Bernie 73% of the time? I guess I am learning that there is a difference between a big L Libertarian (a politician at the end of the day), and a little l libertarian, that simply seeks to be free to do as he or she chooses.
Just some thoughts for your campaign, from a small insignificant blogger. (the blog being small, of course)
I am saddened me to read that you were touting that you side with Senator Sanders 73% of the time. You, of course, state that it is because it is only on economic issues that you disagree with the Socialist from Vermont. I hope that is wrong, and if it isn't wrong, then what kind of Libertarian are you anyway? Let me throw out some of the things you said
Gay marriage: You support it. Never mind that a true libertarian would say "who cares, what business is it of the government to be involved in marriage?" What concerns me, is that Sanders would support forcing churches that teach against gay marriage to change or shut down. Do you support that?
Pro-Abortion: You support abortion, period. So how do you feel about those that are pro-life? Should they be restricted in anyway? While most Libertarians probably agree with you on this, I would say that a life is a life. If you are saying that a woman can decide to end a pregnancy, then why is it wrong to end the lives of Alzheimer's patients, or terminally ill people? They can't care for themselves, why are they different?
Pro-Amnesty: While I agree that we should have a very liberal immigration policy, I would disagree with putting that in place until other measures are put in, and assistance is not available. Do you think that people that break the law and enter the country should have a path to citizenship? Senator Sanders does.
Discrimination laws: This one bothered me the most in the debate moderated by Penn Jillette. You answered, or it seemed your answer was that government absolutely had the authority to criminalize discrimination by individuals, or corporations. Of course, that IS spot on with Senator Sanders. The problem is that that seems a significant power grab for a libertarian to support. Shouldn't a business be able to choose its clientele? Austin Petersen called you out on it, and you seemed to affirm the position.
Do you support affirmative action? That is not an economic issue, and you stated that it is only on economics that you differ. Senator Sanders definitely supports the program, and has advocated expanding it.
Do you support the First Amendment when it comes to religion? Senator Sanders would rather eliminate religion completely from political discourse. If you are a libertarian, then you realize that the Founders only meant to not establish a National Church. Or, do you believe that we are only guaranteed our rights while at church?
I hope that you erred by saying that it was only on the economy that you diverged from the Senator.
I can't believe you don't understand the methodology of Sanders' ideology, which would be odd since you are running for President. All those things you say you agree with him on, he supports using force to do, and while I HOPE you don't support that, you definitely left it hanging out there. Romney lost in 94 against Kennedy because he presented himself as a Democrat-lite. If Sanders wins the nomination (very unlikely), or ultimately enthusiastically endorses Hillary, then you may have created the same scenario. I mean, why not vote for Hillary if the guy you support 73% of the time is supporting her, especially in a state that could make a difference?
SO, do you REALLY stand with Bernie 73% of the time? I guess I am learning that there is a difference between a big L Libertarian (a politician at the end of the day), and a little l libertarian, that simply seeks to be free to do as he or she chooses.
Just some thoughts for your campaign, from a small insignificant blogger. (the blog being small, of course)
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