More of...Republican Leaders are stupid.

As we roll through the summer, with conventions coming up, and then the campaign for the general election, we are watching those DC Republicans do what they do best, snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.  I know, cliche, but applicable.  Come on.

How does Romney not win in 2012 against an incumbent president that has presided over the worst recovery since, wait for it, the Great Depression?  (by the way, the tools used for this recovery were the same as the 30s.) Simple.  he wouldn't attack.  He was too afraid of being labeled a racist.

A great slate of candidates to start the race in 2015.  Some of the best dropped out before the primaries began.  Too bad.  One thing for sure, this primary season, and maybe the general too, will be proof that it isn't money that wins, it is airtime.

Donald Trump has easily secured the nomination.  Deal with it.  To throw up a so called "never Trump" candidate, will only insure a busted party.  Maybe it is time.  So NeverTrumpers, here are your options.

Okay, I faked you with the plural options, besides joining the Trump Express.  There is only one... Leave the party.   Better to unite behind a candidate, than to be splintered.  If you don't support Trump, then get out of the party. (as a reminder, talking about elected officials, as well as those that work for the various national, state, and local GOPs)  They were your rules.  He won, it is over.

The real secret why a Never Trump candidate would fail?  They couldn't beat Trump in the primary, so what changed?  Nothing.  Do they think that Conservatives that feel they can't support Trump are going to fall in line for an establishment GOPer?  Nope.

Conservatives have a couple of choices. (talking about the largest politically identified group in the country now)  You can either support Trump, and hope that he will work with a Congress to restore some of the Constitution, You know, of course, that there will likely be little change in the size of government.  Or...

You can say that a conservative that believes the government is too big, would understand that just like the war on poverty was a bust, maybe these culture wars from a government coercive point of view need to go.  Here is a comparison.  Ask yourself where you fit.

A libertarian comes across a secluded beach.  No one is around. he watches the tides, and decides he is a strong enough swimmer to go out into the water.  It is his life,

A conservative republican comes across the same beach.  Sees that there may be some rip tides, or undertows.  Posts a sign saying swim at your own risk,

A progressive comes across the same beach.  He immediately calls the local police to seal off the area, does an environmental study, and assuming there are no issues, puts up a fence, hires lifeguards, charges admission.  But, he takes no responsibility when someone drowns.

In each scenario, who is ultimately responsible?  the individual deciding to swim of course.  With the conservative republican, the sign may cause a pause, and a decision to not swim, without any analytical thought.  With the progressive, a presumption of safety is made with the fence, admission, and lifeguards, and so little thought of having to take precaution occurs.

Never Trump Republicans, you are killing your party, stop it.  Get behind your candidate, or renounce the party and get out!


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