ISIS and gays, where do we stand?
Well, a tragedy happened last weekend in Orlando. 49 dead, 53 wounded. A gay bar, not that that matters, as it was an ISIS inspired attack. What matters is the aftermath. But first, the way back machine
April 5, 1986: A discotheque in Germany frequented by american soldiers was bombed by Libyan terrorists. 3 killed, 230 injured. No discussion on bomb control, or anything like that. What happened? President Reagan sent the 'Varks to give a message to Gadafi. bombing Tripoli and Benghazi. He got the message.
Back to 2016, and Orlando. What is the President, Democrat members of Congress, Liberal Talking heads, and the Mainstream Media saying?
More Gun Control
It is the NRA's Fault
Blame Republicans
Ban Assault weapons.
I will give that the President did use the term terrorism. Not radical islamic terrorism, mind you, but terrorism. He then called for more gun control. Not sure that was the message to send ISIS.
Of course, Islam the religion is not to blame. Religion is a framework of faith. It was no more to blame, than the gun that was fired. I will not excuse ISIS, however. This was inspired by them, and for all we know, coordinated by them. The shooter was a true believer. ISIS, as well as other fundamental islamists believe that homosexuality is punishable by death. Videos have been displayed of gays being thrown off of rooftops in Iran, and other places. The former President of Iran even stated at a Q&A at Columbia University, that there were no gays in Iran I would say that the treatment of gays in this country has been far different in general. . I would even go so far as to point out that Chick-Fil-A, an alleged homophobic corporation, opened their doors, and made sandwiches and iced tea, and fed those waiting to give blood. I would call it a truly christian act. If you are not christian, then an act of charity? Loving the people.
So, in a moment of crisis, with whom did the president, and the liberal establishment side? With ISIS, of course. Blaming guns? Blaming Republicans? Really? By blaming everyone except ISIS, the President, without intending to, appeared to side against, or, at least take a neutral stance on, the gay community. A community that thought they had a champion.
Mr. President, you are not a community organizer. Your role as Commander in Chief is not to play at war. The nation has been attacked by ISIS, again, and again, and again.
To the Congress, I would say that if you are going to act, then act. Otherwise, don't criticize. The ball is in your court.
If you think I am advocating war, I am not. We can do nothing regarding the past. But the enemy is IN our gates.
April 5, 1986: A discotheque in Germany frequented by american soldiers was bombed by Libyan terrorists. 3 killed, 230 injured. No discussion on bomb control, or anything like that. What happened? President Reagan sent the 'Varks to give a message to Gadafi. bombing Tripoli and Benghazi. He got the message.
Back to 2016, and Orlando. What is the President, Democrat members of Congress, Liberal Talking heads, and the Mainstream Media saying?
More Gun Control
It is the NRA's Fault
Blame Republicans
Ban Assault weapons.
I will give that the President did use the term terrorism. Not radical islamic terrorism, mind you, but terrorism. He then called for more gun control. Not sure that was the message to send ISIS.
Of course, Islam the religion is not to blame. Religion is a framework of faith. It was no more to blame, than the gun that was fired. I will not excuse ISIS, however. This was inspired by them, and for all we know, coordinated by them. The shooter was a true believer. ISIS, as well as other fundamental islamists believe that homosexuality is punishable by death. Videos have been displayed of gays being thrown off of rooftops in Iran, and other places. The former President of Iran even stated at a Q&A at Columbia University, that there were no gays in Iran I would say that the treatment of gays in this country has been far different in general. . I would even go so far as to point out that Chick-Fil-A, an alleged homophobic corporation, opened their doors, and made sandwiches and iced tea, and fed those waiting to give blood. I would call it a truly christian act. If you are not christian, then an act of charity? Loving the people.
So, in a moment of crisis, with whom did the president, and the liberal establishment side? With ISIS, of course. Blaming guns? Blaming Republicans? Really? By blaming everyone except ISIS, the President, without intending to, appeared to side against, or, at least take a neutral stance on, the gay community. A community that thought they had a champion.
Mr. President, you are not a community organizer. Your role as Commander in Chief is not to play at war. The nation has been attacked by ISIS, again, and again, and again.
To the Congress, I would say that if you are going to act, then act. Otherwise, don't criticize. The ball is in your court.
If you think I am advocating war, I am not. We can do nothing regarding the past. But the enemy is IN our gates.
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