Drain it! And the whining begins

So, President elect Trump has nominated some very interesting people in very interesting positions.  You can figure that he must be doing something right for the howling to be what it is.

First, let me say that nominating Generals, in particular for SecDef, is not necessarily a war mongering event.  In fact, who would be better to stop this playing war BS than a general who has seen first hand the price we have paid.

Now for some fun.

Treasury.  Goldman Sachs?  okay, probably not cool.  Didn't Trump bash Cruz for his wife having ties to GS?

Education.  Who better to help take down an extra-constitutional department (ECD) than someone that has taken the fight to the NEA?  Remember the NEA right?  The union that said that they would care for the students when the students started paying dues?  You can google it.  By the way, which union is the single largest contributor to the DNC?  yup.

When I say extra-constitutional department, I refer you to #10 in the Bill of Rights.  Each one does something the Feds should NOT be doing.

Labor.  Another ECD.  While I do take offense at the scantily clad women in the Hardee's/Carl's Jr. commercials.  I think that someone that deals with the very bottom level of employment, is someone that could take on that issue with this Fight for $15 idiots.  Note to all.  BURGER FLIPPING IS NOT A CAREER FOR A LIVING WAGE!  Of course there are careers in fastfood, but none of them pay minimum wage.

HUD.  Another ECD.  Are we starting to see a pattern here?  yup.  How about someone that is one of a  very few to escape the projects?  Someone who made their way to the pinnacle of medicine, heading up a department of one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world.  What better example is there?

HHS.  ECD.  Someone willing to make hard choices, to guide the repeal of an as yet NOT FULLY ENACTED LAW!  No matter if it was God that gave Trump the replacement plan, the left would be outraged, and the media (sorry, redundant) would be complaining about the separation of church and state.  If the media were being fair, they would ask the current President WHY IT ISN'T.   Anyone?  chirp chirp chirp.

EPA.  Number 5 on the list of ECDs.  How about instead of politicizing science, we allow science to occur.  This hasn't happened since who knows when.  On either side, by the way.

Homeland Security.  See the comment above about generals.  Hopefully they remember they had an oath to the Constitution, and work to dismantle.  Regardless, if nothing else, the rule of law could be reinstated.  To see the HS Sec testify to Congress that he is incapable of enforcing the law.

Interior.  ECD.  Hasn't been officially announced, but based on rumors, the person is a big believer in getting the Feds out of the holding land and leasing it to ranchers, or sealing it up so that we can't have energy independence business.

Transportation.  Probably not ECD, as transportation is interstate, add in rail, shipping, and aviation, and I will give it to you.  She served as the Labor Sec under W.  Streamlining may occur.  Hopefully.

With the President converting many of his appointees to civil service, hopefully one of the highest priorities of the new administration will be CIVIL SERVICE REFORM!  It will be nearly impossible for real change to happen in DC with the current policy of needing an act of congress to fire civil servants.  The vast majority of them support Democrats, and so their enacting Trump's policies will probably only be going through the motions.  The whole point of the job security in Civil Service was THAT THEY WERE APOLITICAL!  More on that in two weeks, when I can legally comment.

Uphill battle, but fixing something so broken always is.


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