Randomly thinking

On Monday, the Electoral College will vote, and we will be done with the election, unless somehow Electors violate the law in many states and vote contrary to their state.  Faithless electors have never overturned an election, but this year is out of wack in so many ways.  Hopefully not.

Here is a stat for those that would overthrow the Electoral College.  We hear that Secretary Clinton won by 3 million votes.  A lot, no doubt, about 2% of the total cast.  Here is a stat you probably aren't hearing.  Take away California, one state, and who has the popular total?  If you guessed Trump, you would be right.  By about 1.4 million votes.

Senator McConnell has said, now that the GOP controls the House, the Senate, and the WH, that any tax reform must be revenue neutral.  Really?  What happened to "If we can get the House?" (2010)  or "If we only had the House AND the Senate?" (2014)  Well, now you have it all, GOP.  And now, with everyone in the world HATING the tax code.  (except Democrat elites, who can afford people to find places to hide their money, and yet lament publicly that they wished they could pay more) you say that reform must be revenue neutral?  Senator McConnell, this may be why Congress has a lower rating than even the Mainstream media.  Where were you when spending was increased, saying that any additional spending had to be offset by spending cuts elsewhere?

Is Trump a conservative?  Does it matter?  So far the cabinet looks awesome!  Several selections that will probably overstep their ability to enact true reform under current law, requiring Civil Service reform.  Long, long overdue.  All eyes on the Supremes, to see where Trump really is.

Senator Boxer D-CA has proposed legislation eliminating the Electoral College.  Requirements for same  2/3 House, 2/3 Senate, 3/4 States (38).  Remember, Trump won 30 States.  Based on the popular vote numbers listed above, I don't see 38 states saying; "Gee California, we want to cede all our voice to you,  and to NY, FL and TX."  Do you?  I wonder if even the small "Blue" states might balk at that idea?

IF someone didn't have a home cooked server, SPECIFICALLY to avoid Freedom of Information Act requirements, IF the DNC hadn't made a conscious decision in 2008 to dump working whites, IF Obamacare hadn't created a new part time workforce, IF, IF, IF.  seems I remember someone saying that it was unpatriotic to not accept the results of an election.

And one last point.  Senator "Fauxcahontas" Warren, D-MA, has used the talking point that more people voted for Democrat Senate Candidates than for the GOP candidates.  Of course she does this to avoid mentioning that in a year they were supposed to take the Senate, they didn't.  But it is fare more disingenuous than that.  You see, in California, they went to an open primary, where the two candidates with the most votes ran in the general.  Well, no surprise, that the People's Republic of California had two Democrats running against each other in the General Election.  So, win, lose, when adding up vote totals, they all go to Democrats.  Kind of taints that stat, doesn't it, Senator Warren?

Oh, a week from today, hopefully, I will be home, and engaging in one of the best Christmas Eve traditions ever.  TNT A Christmas Story Marathon!  Merry Christmas!


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