Is it war, then?

The pretense used by progressives and Muslims the world over regarding relations with the West, is that if only Israel would let the Palestinians have their own country there would be peace.  For the better part of the 1990s and 2000s, Israel bent over backwards, offered, more than once, their own state.  They vacated Gaza, and ceded control completely to Hamas. The Palestinians pretended to want peace.  What did Israel get for all of this?

Palestinians who hate Israel, do not acknowledge Israel's right to exist, and would do anything to eliminate Israel.  How is that for meeting half way?

So why do I mention Israel, and in what context am I using it?

Progressives in this country (including the "unbiased" media) are still in denial about Trump winning.  Note, that I say progressives, and not Democrats.  That is important.  So they are pretending that if it really did happen, they can't understand that the American people would vote this way.  Gee, I don't know why the people, or the "silent majority" as it has been called, would vote this way.  After all, progressives:

Hated us
Called us names
Rejected us
Eliminated our jobs, and
Completely dissed our values, forcing theirs on us (okay, we kind of deserved that, we tried that first)

We put Trump into office but, to them, it had to be something else.  They hate conservatives.  They can't even believe that they exist.  And if they do exist, then they obviously aren't reasonable.  They are racist, sexist, homophobic, and so on.  They can't exist otherwise.  Progressives teach in their schools that whites, straights, and so on, should hate themselves, and  that they should willingly offer themselves up for whatever punishment society should want to give them.

Sound familiar?  I really didn't want to write another so soon, but as I was looking at the Confirmation trends in the Senate, it became very obvious.  Of course, when you add in the fact that most progressives are like the Palestinians in denying Israel's right to exist, then, there you go.  an irreconcilable impasse.

How else do you rationalize the unmasking of names by the Obama administration?  They are so angry at Trump winning that they desperately started digging for dirt.  The unmasking by Susan Rice in and of itself is not illegal.  The revealing of that information to anyone else is.  General Flynn lied.  and it was good that it was found out.  (funny how Susan Rice lied, and lied and lied and lied, and lied.  and that was just the Benghazi video) and lied since.  She wasn't fired, he was.  And the person that released his transcripts to the media is probably still there.

Until both sides recognize the other's right to exist, and to thrive, there can be no peace.  In Israel, it is up to the Palestinians to accept this.  In the US, it is the progressives.  And until they are willing to actually come to the table, with the same message at the table as they have back home, then there is no dealing with them.  And Trump and the Republicans should play Senatorial Thermal Nuclear War. No winners, but a forced Mutually Assured Destruction would probably bring both sides to the table.


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