short hits

Here is my prediction.  April 19, 2017.  If we are using substantially the same tax forms next winter, the Republicans will probably lose the House and Senate.  I say probably, as there is no accounting the apathy of the American people.

How many days is Congress in session this month?  If you guessed 9, you would be right.  But no worries, just a week away from a lapse of funding for the government.

The GOP has proven to be serial hypocrites when it comes to healthcare.  When President Obama was in office, they passed through the House, and the Senate, a clean repeal of the economy killing Obamacare.  Moderates, Conservatives, all voted on it.  In the Senate, even the left of center GOP members voted for it.  Why won't they do that now?  Because it is possible that the President might actually sign it.  that is why.

Border crossings are down, deportations are up.  And by deportations, I am not talking about counting those turned away at the border, like the previous administration did.  Immigration law is finally being enforced, and the Attorney General is about to declare some of the gangs operating across the border as terrorist groups.  Hooray!   Secretary Kelly (Homeland Security) said it best.

“If lawmakers do not like the laws they’ve passed and we are charged to enforce, then they should have the courage and skill to change the laws,’’ Kelly said in a speech at George Washington University on Tuesday, according to the Washington Post. “Otherwise they should shut up and support the men and women on the front lines.’’ 


As more and more cities and states go to $15 an hour minimum wage, and more and more jobs are being automated out of business, we sit and wonder why.  When I was a teenager, my first job paid a SUB minimum wage, as it was 1980, during the malaise of President Carter, and it was allowed to give teenagers a chance to work.  I did that for 3 years.

A special election was just held in Georgia to replace now Sec Price.  This district was won by President Trump by 1%.  The Democrat won, but because he did not get 50%, there is a run off.  I wonder how much more outside money will come in this time.  He was supposed to win the race outright.

Maybe if Congress stayed in DC and did their job, they wouldn't have to face these REAL astroturf protests.  Remember the Tea Party?  Those were individual groups, some organized, some not, people who had jobs and were protesting the spending and the upcoming healthcare law "If you like your doctor..." Lie by President Obama, remember that?  Politifact (left leaning truthchecker) gave it the LIE OF THE YEAR AWARD in 2013.  These protests today?  Mostly by people whose JOB it is to protest.  that is right.  SEIU (service employees international union)  A union, by the way, that clamors for the $15 minimum wage, but doesn't pay its protesters that, unless required by law.  Also, a number of other national groups, mostly backed by George Soros, but not alone in that.

President Trump has signed several bills into law reducing regulation.  Have you heard that on the news?

President Trump needs to make his case and call for an authorization if he wants to take action.  Really the only legal place he can is Afghanistan.

President Trump made a mistake in dumping Bannon. I used to listen to him on Breitbart Radio on Sirius Patriot.  Until I couldn't stand the all Trump, anti Cruz, or anyone else, all the time.  I can't stand the guy, but anyone that thinks that Trump wouldn't have turned it around without his advice, (or Kellyanne Conway's) is nuts.  They were able to connect the President to the people.  I worry that he is getting sucked into DC, and he has replaced conservatives with progressives.  That will either end the Republican party, or more likely, end the conservative movement in the Republican party.


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