If we don't hang together, we shall all hang separately. Ben Franklin

We are divided.  And divided we are weak.

Weak in spirit, weak in love for fellow man

Weak in the face of enemies, foreign and domestic.

If you think that this division started with the election of President Trump. then stop reading, and go somewhere else.
If you think that this division started with President Obama, same.
If you think it started with Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, or Nixon, same.

Senator Obama ran as a uniter, which he threw in the trash once elected.  Two statements can sum up the division that he created.
1. "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (okay, that was his Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel)
2. "Elections have consequences, and we won" He told Republicans when they wanted a seat at the table to discuss legislation.

For President Obama, he had the Democrat party as a rubber stamp. (I could mention that he could have used that on Immigration reform, but didn't, but I digress) for two years.  And while it cost them their majority in the House in 2010, they whipped (a political term, not actual whipping) even their conservative Democrats to drink the political kool-aid and pass bills.

Contrast that with President Trump.  yes he has majorities in the House and Senate, and while not filibuster proof, if they were as united as the Democrats were, many of his issues would have been made law.  But nope.  Not only is he fighting Democrats, but fighting the creatures of the swamp that are Republican also. It is the DC Swamp vs Trump.

Trust in government is at an all time low.

From the first weeks of President Obama's presidency, his tenure is marked by de-legitimizing government at every level, hopefully unintentionally.  By no means is this a complete list.

Local police
The Harvard police who "acted stupidly"
The undermining of police at Ferguson, without having the facts, condemning what  happened. (Darren Wilson was cleared by Obama's Justice Department)
State justice  
In Florida, when "if he had a son he would be like Trevon", after DA was pressured  into prosecuting case.
Federal Agencies:
He did not act swiftly when it was discovered that his Attorney General allowed the  BATF to sell guns to straw buyers, and then lose track of them as they went to the cartels in Mexico.
We saw IRS officials lie under oath with no penalty.  No resignation on the desk.
We saw security officials gather way more information than what anyone suspected, and then lie under oath.
Dept of Ed  
We want to give schools even more money, and yet can't produce graduates that can read and write at the diploma level.
The VA allowed thousands of vets to die, shuffling them on lists, never seeing a doctor.
Chronic issues
Even though murders spiked in cities (black on black crime, mostly) nothing was  done to address that, instead, we are distracted by police on black shootings (which are outnumbered 2 to 1 by police on white shootings)
The Secret Service probably had its worst eight years in history, as far as conduct goes.

As a libertarian, I feel like there is too much government, and have a distrust of it.  With these kind of things happening, this takes distrust of government to a whole new level, by everyone.

Kaepernick started his protests against the government while President Obama was in the White House, and it was anticipated that Hillary! would win the election.  So, who was he protesting, really?

Once we pass the tipping point on trust of government, the iron fist will come next.  Have we yet?


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