Repeal 17, and other comments

Can we get an amen to repealing the Seventeenth Amendment?

If you have forgotten, the 17th took away the voice of states in the Senate.  It was a progressive idea to have a house in Congress more insulated, by way of its six year election cycle, from immediate voter retribution.  Much ado was made of the Senate not being elected by the voice of the people, and how "undemocratic" that was. (you know, like the Democratic Republic of North Korea)  Of course it wasn't democratic.  This nation was a Republic.  The states were represented by the Senate.  The States, as sovereign states, not representing the people, but the state government.

Let me know what you think of this option.  As the 17th specifically addresses how to replace a  Senator, could you infer that a method, say through the state's constitution, could be created to recall a Senator?  I am a realist, and know what the odds are of that occurring.  Short of repeal, which would require a 2/3 vote in the House and Senate, or a Constitutional Convention, could that be a solution?  Maybe with a super majority vote by the state legislature?

I have been thinking on the protests about the flag.  As for me, I would no sooner want to see players, forced by threat of fines, be made to stand for the anthem, than I like to see them do whatever it is they are doing now. The flag, to me, represents the ideal of what this nation stands for.  To see that ideal disrespected, makes me wonder why they are here. Especially pampered millionaires.  Maybe they should just move, (maybe they could truck over to the DRNK) if they feel this nation is so oppressive.  Am I ignorant of the sores of this nation?  Of course not.  But their protest conveniently allows us to be ignorant of some of the causes of their problems.  Unwed mothers, failing schools, violence of all kinds, are problems that are covered up by "social justice".  Poverty?  Well, here is a cheap, free, and accurate solution.

1. Graduate from High School.  
2. Get married and stay married before having children
3. Get a job.

The percentage of those doing these three things?  In single digits.  Regardless of race.

Isn't it interesting that all of those bemoaning the obscene profits of the insurance companies are now bemoaning President Trump eliminating the unconstitutional subsidies that they have been receiving when President Obama decided to illegally pay them out of the Treasury, without appropriation?  Yeah, that is a thinker.

Tax Reform.  After seeing the debacle of repealing Ocare, I wonder if the GOP Senators would prefer to be a minority party?  They certainly act like that, by taking an issue they have raised money for and campaigned on for the last 7 years.  It is a do or die for the GOP.  Not tax cuts.  Tax Reform.

The ignorance of civics by those who should know is, to put it mildly, disgusting.  I really wish that we had a civics literacy test for those who vote.  Politicians, media, "constitutional" professors, the  public admission of ignorance by so many of these people is embarrassing.  It cries out for that test.  After all, how can you make an informed vote, if you don't know how the system works. 

Can you name your Governor? Your Senators? Your CongressmanWhat is the theory behind the Electoral College?  What form of government was created by the Constitution?

Brownback, Roberts, Moran, Jenkins, because States select the president, and not the popular vote. Republic.  As the PSAs used to say;  The more you know...

I have an idea that would make the progressives love the Electoral College.  Should I write about it?


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