Taxes and other things
Who likes the IRS? Who likes the tax code? I would think if anything could be done in the swamp, it would be tax reform. It would be so simple. Flat tax? FAIR tax? Take your pick, doesn't matter to me, except that if we were to go with the FAIR tax, we need to eliminate the 16th amendment. Eliminate deductions, period, and drop the rate accordingly.
Did you know that Russia has a 13% Flat tax? I like it. Yes, I would pay more, but I think all should have to pay something.
Right now, the tax code is not about collecting revenue. If it were, it would be a simple rate, and it would be simply a percentage of what you earn. No deductions, no tax credits, no this, that, or the other. A minimal IRS to ensure compliance by EMPLOYERS withholding the proper amount. No $600 Billion a year in tax planning, preparation, and compliance. (yes, that is an accurate number)
But it isn't about revenue, is it? It is about CONTROL. If you do THIS... tax credit. If you don't do THAT... deduction. Our freedoms limited by our desire to keep as much of OUR money as possible.
Cut the rates low enough that the state and local tax deductions don't matter. That mortgage interest deduction doesn't matter. That charitable contributions don't matter. When the 16th amendment was passed, it had a 3% rate for those earning more than $11 million a year, in today's dollars. Why have we not drained the swamp ourselves?
Speaking of the swamp. DC was supposed to be a part time gig for all but a very few. The President, the Cabinet heads and their very small staffs, if necessary. The President is working on draining it, but it is going far too slowly. Never has a president not only had to fight the opposition party, but his own as well, like this one has.
Our government was set up to be reactive to its people, to not default on debts, and to not leave debts to the future. By adding to the debt, we limit the freedoms that future generations will have.
President Washington strongly cautioned against foreign entanglements. That is why the Treaty process is so difficult, with a super majority of States, through their Senators, voting for a Treaty for it to be valid. The soon to be former Senator of TN, Corker (R) sponsored and led passage of a resolution saying that the Iran deal needed a 2/3 vote against for it to be voided. What an idiot. He gave the thin cover of legitimacy to it.
I would say that you could not ask for more Constitutionally, from President Trump. Undoing Executive Orders, backing out of un ratified foreign "deals" forcing Congress to do its freakin' job, for a change.
The Russian thing is ridiculous. Mueller is so compromised, but no one in power will say that. No, I am not talking about the Uranium One deal, which he does have to answer for, or even the Trump Dossier, which is what the original FBI investigation was based on. That he is buds with Comey is enough. It is a conflict of interest, and he should never have taken the job for that reason.
Why is the IRS Commissioner Koskinen still employed? The guy was rotten from the start. He epitomizes why the current code needs to expire, and a new one created. He was part of the gang that targeted opponents of President Obama. If we just got rid of everything, we wouldn't even care about the IRS. Would we? Here we are back at taxes.
There are a lot of swamp denizens working against the people of this nation, and against this president. Make no mistake, they couldn't care less about you. Individuals mean nothing to them.
ooh, maybe they are Borg?
"Resistance is futile" LOL. Good points. I'm more of a Fair Tax guy, like everybody to have skin in the game.