Freebies! Wait! What? SOLD!
Slavery is an abomination. Can I just get that out of the way? It was something that troubled Thomas Jefferson to no end. It WAS a stain on this nation. Why do I say was? Because the blood of over a half million dead washed the stain away, or I should say that it washed away the stain of institutionalized slavery. The truth is that while slavery does exist in the world, particularly in Middle Eastern, African, and Southern Asian Countries, it exists here as well. It is true that human trafficking is going on in this country, and so that slavery exists in the undercurrent, I am talking about a different kind of slavery. The slavery of FREE!
I will be honest, I was at a meeting last night, and missed the DNC debate. I suspect that we heard that the rich are too rich, and the poor are too poor, and free stuff. So where does "the slavery of FREE" come in? Simple. One last comment on the debate. Who has been running the country for the last seven years? Don't the progressives own a little of that?
A note before you start reading. This is not to imply that all those receiving assistance have given up hope, or are there by their own choice. I am referring to a culture of dependency, where hope hasn't been lost, it has been STOLEN! Stolen by the very people that claim to help.
Just as in the antebellum south, it is our friends the Democrats that are still running the slave trade in this country. I don't mean that they are selling people into slavery literally, actually, I do mean that. Not to work, but to do one thing, and to do it every two years. Nope, not picking cotton, or tobacco, just VOTE. What do they get in exchange for that vote? Why, they get a roof over their head, some food on the table, some money. Just enough to get by, mind you, after all, the overseers (bureaucrats) take their cut. (Up to 85%) What is left provides an existence of sorts, with little chance to improve.
Now, this is not a slavery of race, and no one should read any kind of racial innuendo into this. IT ISN'T ABOUT RACE! It is about keeping the poor poor. The War on Poverty has been going on for 50 years. People just celebrated this anniversary. If this were an actual war, and we were looking at statistics, we would say that we lost, and would pack up and surrender. Instead of lifting the American poor out of poverty, we have created generational dependence, where today even if people wanted to get out of poverty, they may not know how. Of course the Democrats don't openly admit to keeping them down, they will say things like, "it's not their fault", "there is no equality today". "it is hopeless". Normally when people realize that something doesn't work, they try something different. Unless, it is unintentionally intentional. Weird statement, right? Think about it. Every two years, a Democrat Congressman, and/or Presidential Candidate comes along, and says things like; "my opponent wants to take away your (fill in the blank) aid. if he gets elected, you will... (Starve, be homeless, not have your Obamaphone, etc.) And so what happens? Well, if there are enough people that can be scared into that, then you have your slaves. SOLD!
One might ask in this interlude, why is there no equality? Well, they will freely admit that these very poor areas have very bad schools. Behind every failed school, more often than not, you will find a Democrat led community, and a teacher's union. Sorry, back to programming.
Of course, the Democrat, (or Progressive, or Democratic Socialist) would say that they are just trying to help. "That poor person needs my help against those evil Republicans." How insulting is that? It is a true statement of our political debate. "Don't agree with me?" "Well you are the devil!" "Why do you hate?" Both sides have some guilt, but mostly it is an argument which a Republican can't win. I mean how can someone be against welfare, food stamps, clean air, water, etc, and be a decent person?
Of course, that voter bloc is not very reliable, even under the worst of circumstances, (horrible recovery, more people on food stamps, more people not in the work force than ever in the last 30 years,) evidence 2010 and 2014. So what does the Democrat who wants to win elections do? Why, he goes to the auction of course! And, Mr. Auctioneer, what is on the bloc today? Why, how about free tuition? How about guaranteed home loans? (haven't we already done that once?) How about student loans, courtesy of Uncle Sam, exclusively? Sold Sold SOLD! And guess what, new chains have been created, a whole new class has been brought in. And when those loans come due, well, here comes Mr. Politician, promising to help you, if only you would vote to keep him in office.
It works a little differently for those on the other end of the financial spectrum, and to be fair, will talk about that the next time.
Welfare Reform was passed in 1996, and contrary to all the naysayers, people did not starve, become homeless, or otherwise destitute, Welfare reform proved that given the chance, people can and will succeed. Economists knew how to get people working. End long term unemployment. We didn't, the President watered down Welfare Reform so as to be meaningless, and look where we are. Perhaps that is what I meant when I said it was unintentionally intentional. They knew it would create need and dependence. The unintentional was only for public consumption.
I will be honest, I was at a meeting last night, and missed the DNC debate. I suspect that we heard that the rich are too rich, and the poor are too poor, and free stuff. So where does "the slavery of FREE" come in? Simple. One last comment on the debate. Who has been running the country for the last seven years? Don't the progressives own a little of that?
A note before you start reading. This is not to imply that all those receiving assistance have given up hope, or are there by their own choice. I am referring to a culture of dependency, where hope hasn't been lost, it has been STOLEN! Stolen by the very people that claim to help.
Just as in the antebellum south, it is our friends the Democrats that are still running the slave trade in this country. I don't mean that they are selling people into slavery literally, actually, I do mean that. Not to work, but to do one thing, and to do it every two years. Nope, not picking cotton, or tobacco, just VOTE. What do they get in exchange for that vote? Why, they get a roof over their head, some food on the table, some money. Just enough to get by, mind you, after all, the overseers (bureaucrats) take their cut. (Up to 85%) What is left provides an existence of sorts, with little chance to improve.
Now, this is not a slavery of race, and no one should read any kind of racial innuendo into this. IT ISN'T ABOUT RACE! It is about keeping the poor poor. The War on Poverty has been going on for 50 years. People just celebrated this anniversary. If this were an actual war, and we were looking at statistics, we would say that we lost, and would pack up and surrender. Instead of lifting the American poor out of poverty, we have created generational dependence, where today even if people wanted to get out of poverty, they may not know how. Of course the Democrats don't openly admit to keeping them down, they will say things like, "it's not their fault", "there is no equality today". "it is hopeless". Normally when people realize that something doesn't work, they try something different. Unless, it is unintentionally intentional. Weird statement, right? Think about it. Every two years, a Democrat Congressman, and/or Presidential Candidate comes along, and says things like; "my opponent wants to take away your (fill in the blank) aid. if he gets elected, you will... (Starve, be homeless, not have your Obamaphone, etc.) And so what happens? Well, if there are enough people that can be scared into that, then you have your slaves. SOLD!
One might ask in this interlude, why is there no equality? Well, they will freely admit that these very poor areas have very bad schools. Behind every failed school, more often than not, you will find a Democrat led community, and a teacher's union. Sorry, back to programming.
Of course, the Democrat, (or Progressive, or Democratic Socialist) would say that they are just trying to help. "That poor person needs my help against those evil Republicans." How insulting is that? It is a true statement of our political debate. "Don't agree with me?" "Well you are the devil!" "Why do you hate?" Both sides have some guilt, but mostly it is an argument which a Republican can't win. I mean how can someone be against welfare, food stamps, clean air, water, etc, and be a decent person?
Of course, that voter bloc is not very reliable, even under the worst of circumstances, (horrible recovery, more people on food stamps, more people not in the work force than ever in the last 30 years,) evidence 2010 and 2014. So what does the Democrat who wants to win elections do? Why, he goes to the auction of course! And, Mr. Auctioneer, what is on the bloc today? Why, how about free tuition? How about guaranteed home loans? (haven't we already done that once?) How about student loans, courtesy of Uncle Sam, exclusively? Sold Sold SOLD! And guess what, new chains have been created, a whole new class has been brought in. And when those loans come due, well, here comes Mr. Politician, promising to help you, if only you would vote to keep him in office.
It works a little differently for those on the other end of the financial spectrum, and to be fair, will talk about that the next time.
Welfare Reform was passed in 1996, and contrary to all the naysayers, people did not starve, become homeless, or otherwise destitute, Welfare reform proved that given the chance, people can and will succeed. Economists knew how to get people working. End long term unemployment. We didn't, the President watered down Welfare Reform so as to be meaningless, and look where we are. Perhaps that is what I meant when I said it was unintentionally intentional. They knew it would create need and dependence. The unintentional was only for public consumption.
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