Irony at its best.

Try this irony on for size.

Hillary Clinton is calling the various committees in Congress investigating her email and the Bengazi debacle political witch hunts.  She dismisses them, with no small help from the likely Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, R-CA.  I would say that the irony comes in when you think about her past.  In her early law career, she served as a counsel on the committee in Congress investigating President Nixon, and the missing tapes.  I guess she should be asked if she thought those were witch hunts (they were)  and what the difference is between the White House tapes of President Nixon, and the email servers being wiped by the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

Lots of discussion about the state of welfare in this country.  It is shocking in this country with this fantastic recovery, that there are still kids going hungry every night.  Here is a nice statistic.  Between Federal, State, and Local needs based assistance in the United States, Governments spend some $60,000 per family below the poverty level.

I would ask two questions;
1.  How much of that money makes it to the people that need it?
2.  How is ANYONE  living below the poverty level with an household income of at least $60,000?

Of course, only a fraction makes it to the people that need it.  Estimates are from 15-25% of the money spent by lawmakers makes it to the people.  That is right.  75-85 cents on the dollar are eaten up in administrative costs. How is that for efficiency?  And with that much money, you would think there would be no need for private charities, right?  Ummm...

Some people want to take the tax exempt status from churches because they are against the pretend right of gay marriage (or any marriage, technically).  Speaking of the poor.  As I walk in the park on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I see the people lining up at St. Edwards church for the soup kitchen.  Churches do a tremendous amount of good in our communities, and taking their tax exempt status will possibly slash donations, and cause places like the soup kitchen, and Salvation Army work to shut down, or significantly cut back on their service.  Already Catholic Charities has been forced to shut down adoptions in many states because allowing adoptions by gay couples is contrary to their doctrine, and those states won't let them operate otherwise.  Thank you!

Speaking of gay couples, it is possible that federal employees that were living together and receiving benefits because states were not allowing them to marry may soon find themselves forced to marry to qualify for those benefits.  States which have allowed visitation, and other rights in regards to civil unions for the same reason may soon change their laws to force those couples/families to marry or lose those rights.  You can thank those marriage activists for that change.

And a freebie,  did you know that the very first transcontinental highway was built with not one penny in federal gas tax, or other federal tax?  The Lincoln Highway was built entirely on privately raised funds, whether corporations, individuals, or cities and states.  Did you know that?  Now, we can't seem to do anything without the feds getting involved.


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