The Oval Office.
I remember visiting the Truman Library in Independence Missouri. There they have a replica of the Oval Office, as kept by President Truman. On the desk, he had a placard. "The buck stops here". Of course Truman was famous for that statement, people all know what that means. It means that "I am responsible". It means that "I am accountable". Of course the President should be the one to be blamed at the end of the day, when the government fails. President Truman took a brave step to authorize the use of atomic weapons to end WWII. Say what you will about Truman, he was decisive and took responsibility for the actions of the federal government while President.
Today, Secretary, and Presidential Candidate, Clinton passed the buck. A question about security requests was brushed aside by saying that no Secretary of State ever dealt with security. So what does this say about her leadership style? This was her friend, she said. To remember her commercials from 2008, if that phone rang at 3 am, what? Would she just let it go to voice mail? No one was held accountable for the first assassination of an US Ambassador since President Carter presided over the takeover of Iran by revolutionaries. She claimed no one told her. I can't believe that, but if that were true, then whose head rolled for not telling her? No one's.
This isn't a one time event, either. The IRS, the Justice Department, the VA, the Obamacare rollout, the Secret Service, I could go on and on. They get caught doing something, or not doing something, and pretend to be upset, shuffle some employees around, and wait for the item to not be newsworthy. Then they move on. An Ambassador was murdered! Veterans died waiting for healthcare! Deadlines for O-care have to be extended due to a broken website, and the fact that people see no penalty for breaking the law, and choose to not get covered. A Border Patrol agent was killed by a gun that Eric Holder's Justice Department let go in the scheme to trace guns to cartels, and then didn't bother to trace. The IRS releasing confidential filings of conservative groups to liberal outlets, and delaying approvals for conservative nonprofits. Did I cover everything I mentioned? And, the Secret Service releasing confidential records of Congressmen who years ago applied to the Secret Service. Hooker parties in other nations, allowing people to jump the fence and make it to the White House alive. What do they say when testifying? Not my fault, I didn't know, I heard it about it on the news.
I guess we can say that President Truman's sign is not wanted in the current occupant's office. or, if Hillary is elected, hers either.
Today, Secretary, and Presidential Candidate, Clinton passed the buck. A question about security requests was brushed aside by saying that no Secretary of State ever dealt with security. So what does this say about her leadership style? This was her friend, she said. To remember her commercials from 2008, if that phone rang at 3 am, what? Would she just let it go to voice mail? No one was held accountable for the first assassination of an US Ambassador since President Carter presided over the takeover of Iran by revolutionaries. She claimed no one told her. I can't believe that, but if that were true, then whose head rolled for not telling her? No one's.
This isn't a one time event, either. The IRS, the Justice Department, the VA, the Obamacare rollout, the Secret Service, I could go on and on. They get caught doing something, or not doing something, and pretend to be upset, shuffle some employees around, and wait for the item to not be newsworthy. Then they move on. An Ambassador was murdered! Veterans died waiting for healthcare! Deadlines for O-care have to be extended due to a broken website, and the fact that people see no penalty for breaking the law, and choose to not get covered. A Border Patrol agent was killed by a gun that Eric Holder's Justice Department let go in the scheme to trace guns to cartels, and then didn't bother to trace. The IRS releasing confidential filings of conservative groups to liberal outlets, and delaying approvals for conservative nonprofits. Did I cover everything I mentioned? And, the Secret Service releasing confidential records of Congressmen who years ago applied to the Secret Service. Hooker parties in other nations, allowing people to jump the fence and make it to the White House alive. What do they say when testifying? Not my fault, I didn't know, I heard it about it on the news.
I guess we can say that President Truman's sign is not wanted in the current occupant's office. or, if Hillary is elected, hers either.

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