socialism in the university?

It shouldn't be a surprise that Senator Sanders, I-VT, is taking the millennials by storm.  After all, they are facing massive debt while going to college, limited jobs available after college, and he is promising FREE!.  When pressed on how to pay, they take the easy road, and say that Senator Sanders will lay a heavy burden on the "rich" to pay for FREE!.  Of course, Senator Sanders has said as much.

You know, a lot of students are struggling in college, many don't even finish a full year.  How about this?  Every semester, the school takes all the grades, and averages them, and gives them out.  So a 4.0 GPA becomes a, say, 3.2, and a 1.7 GPA becomes a 2.5.  Ask those Bernie supporters how they would feel about that.  Seriously, what is different?  Those 4.0s have plenty of GPA to graduate, and should help those that won't graduate otherwise.   If they truly believe, then they should sign up.

Of course, I wouldn't want to do that.  And that is the problem with socialism.  On paper, it looks great.  In reality, those who are the 1% will either go underground, or just take time off from producing.

I mentioned on facebook that the Nazi party was a socialist party.  Hitler was a socialist.  He was also a fascist, and that is one brand of socialism.  He didn't build his Third Reich to spread his politics.  He built it to enslave.

Another brand of fairly violent socialism is communism.  This is brutal, as it consolidates power under a tight rule.  The government plans the economy, and people get paid.  Of course, if you are paid whether or not you work, then most will not work as much, causing shortages of basic goods.  Even in Venezuela, which is a socialist/communist nation, basic necessities are gone.  This was a nation that was flush with oil money, until they nationalized the industry, that is.  And when there is unrest, well, that is the purpose for the army.  Communism exists to spread and corrupt the world.

Of course, I saved the best for last. These countries are Bernie's example of Shangri-La;  The Scandinavian countries.  They are alleged to have  great health care, education, etc.  They also have high taxes for pretty much the middle class and above.  NOT THE RICH.  It works, because until recently, they have very little poverty, due to a solid work ethic, and shaming those who don't.  Ask your neighbor how he feels about a 60% tax rate to support those who don't work.  In this country we go to great lengths to let people hide their welfare status.  In the great white north of Scandinavia, all is not paradise anymore, as they are receiving large numbers of immigrants and refugees, who are taking more and more of the countries' budgets.  These same nations are now considering revamping their systems so that there is no way for people to come and live off the citizens.  Here in the US, I suspect a 60% tax rate would not sell to those who are working, but may be just fine for the very same millennials that would reject GPA socialism, and that is a significant voting block, if they vote.


There is a reason that the Democratic Socialism that Senator Sanders supports is very limited in the world.  A highly educated populace with a strong work ethic is required.  And very sparse populations help too.


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