
Showing posts from November, 2016

Just a half a mile from the railroad tracks

I have mentioned that too many laws mean no law.  I also wanted to talk about the need to have laws clear, and well defined.  So I wanted to write about the law, and the need for fewer of them.  My alter-ego over on the rim recently wrote on music, so why not? Because Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of American Blind justice , and there wasn't nothin' he could do about it, and the judge wasn't gonna look at the twenty-seven 8 by 10 colored glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was, to be used as evidence against us.  Arlo Guthrie, Alice's Restaurant. Just Youtube the song, or google the lyrics.  The whole song revolves around this incident, and the absurdity of petty laws. Why mention all of this?   Today the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world.  Besides those are people who are unknowingly breaking the law.  The...

Racism and secession

I am really tired of all the chanting of racism.  Of course, the other -isms as well.  And to accuse half of the voting public of feeling that way?  Many of whom voted for President Obama in 08 and 12?  You want to see racism.  Here it is You might be a a racist if....  you support a policy that murders over half of a race's children. You might be a racist if.... you advocate policies that have resulted in 75% of a race's children that survived to birth being born to single mothers. You might be a racist if....  you believe that a race can do nothing on their own without your help. You might be a racist if....  you support education policies that deny choice to those  most in need of education. You might be a racist if....  you think that a voting block will continually vote you in with huge majorities, even though your policies have hurt them for generations. You might be a racist if....  you think that skin color is...

Free! But at what price?

Free shipping.  Buy one get one free.  Free agency.  Free will.  So many things that are free.  During the election, we heard about more free stuff.  Free health care.  Free tuition.  But are they? This was nearly written ON THE RIM.   It is because it is a serious topic, one that is more than  politics.  (Not that politics aren't serious, but...) We heard from the Democratic Socialist that in the Scandinavian countries that they have Free! healthcare,   Free! college, and so on.  The thing is that they don't see it as Free! .  They see it as having paid on the front side with high taxes that most in the US would find unpalatable.  60% tax rate that goes all the way down to the equivalent of $60,000 a year in the US.  They know it is not Free! .  So why was it sold as such?  Because we will buy it.  That is why. In this country, we have a huge misconception.  We have taught millio...

Quick Hits

I won't gloat about Trump winning. I will gloat about having called it, when most seemed resigned to a Clinton Presidency.  People thought I was crazy.  Wish I was a betting person, I would have cleaned up. I find it interesting that the LGBTQ community is so up in arms about Trump.  He has largely supported them, even going so far as to say that Kaitlyn Jenner could use the Ladies Restroom at Trump Tower whenever she wanted.  I want to contrast that with Hillary, who, when faced with the opportunity to stand and call Radical Islam by its name at the Orlando Massacre, instead blamed the firearms like the President.  Speaking of Radical Islam. Rumors abound that Keith Ellison, D-MN, is being pushed for chair of the DNC.  More than just rumors, actually.  So, in the wake of a repudiation of the open borders and Radical Islam denial of the current administration, they are considering a supporter of CAIR, and the Muslim Brotherhood to lead them? ...

Elections have consequences.

As a precursor, Just because I supported Trump does not mean that I am back in the GOP fold.  I am not.  I still think that freedom and liberty are at significant risk, and am done with playing party games.  Long live the porcupine.  Maybe next time, we can get a real libertarian to run. A victor has been declared, and the vanquished conceded.  Now what? We could take the path of anger, and hate.  Trump could drag the Democrat leaders to his hotel, and tell them that elections have consequences, and they lost.  He could do that, after all, that is what President Barack "the great uniter" Obama did in 2009.  No doubt many would feel justified in him doing that.  I bet the Democrats are expecting it.  I hope he doesn't. Based on names being floated for cabinet posts, I am not getting that "bull in the china shop" vibe.  Yes, unlike the current occupant, Trump is an alpha, and he may be able to control the brain trust.  Mayb...

The last before the election.

First, predictions. Regardless of the FBI rolling on their responsibilities, I still think that Trump will win. It is not to say that I will be surprised if Hillary wins.  I won't be. So, if Madam Secretary wins. Contrary to the members of the House, who have promised endless impeachment hearings, I think all that needs to be done with.  The current President could facilitate this by granting a blanket pardon for anything that Hillary has done.  There is too much division right now, and the House trying to re-prosecute the election will only hurt their already bad image.  Let it go.   The people know she is dirty.  They know she can't be trusted.  If they elect her, then they are okay with it.  It would be better to focus on policy.  I know how hard that will be, but if you can't make your case, then get the heck out. Period. The rest depends on control of the Senate.  If the Dems control, they will go nuclear on the filibu...

Is it rigged? By whom?

Quick hits. Just as a reminder, accusing an election of being rigged is unpatriotic.  It is undemocratic, it could undermine our whole system. Another reminder.  just the other day, someone said that the polls seem off.  We still haven't seen the full effect of the FBI investigation, but it is not looking good for the Secretary.   Obamacare will see double digit percent increases, or maybe triple digits in some states.  Doctors dropping out, and we aren't even talking about the deductibles for those plans.  They spin it by talking about the 20 million that are now insured.  Of course, the majority of them were already eligible for Medicaid, but we have covered that before. They lure you with tax credits.  They are desperate for the young, (many of whom don't have to have plans, because of their parents) to sign up.  Why would someone, if they get their insurance without having to pay premiums?  If Madam Secretary is elected, you ca...