Racism and secession

I am really tired of all the chanting of racism.  Of course, the other -isms as well.  And to accuse half of the voting public of feeling that way?  Many of whom voted for President Obama in 08 and 12?  You want to see racism.  Here it is

You might be a a racist if.... you support a policy that murders over half of a race's children.

You might be a racist if.... you advocate policies that have resulted in 75% of a race's children that survived to birth being born to single mothers.

You might be a racist if....  you believe that a race can do nothing on their own without your help.

You might be a racist if....  you support education policies that deny choice to those  most in need of education.

You might be a racist if....  you think that a voting block will continually vote you in with huge majorities, even though your policies have hurt them for generations.

You might be a racist if....  you think that skin color is more important than qualifications.

You might be a racist, or, so as to not generalize, you align with candidates that advance the above racist policies.

Congratulations, welcome to the Democrat Party.

Yes, I am serious.  I know it was kind of fun. but in reality, every one of these statements above is true.

So, Donald Trump.  Accused of Racism.  why?  Equal opportunity?  I mean real equal opportunity, not with a finger on the scale.  I am tired of all of this.  A businessman can't afford to be racist, at least publicly, and that is really all that matters, isn't it?  Don't start with the muslims.  Carter rounded up and deported Iranians after the attack on our embassy.  While the intent of the campaign promise will be upheld, I suspect that it won't be as harsh as the blanket that he mentioned during the campaign.

One of the funniest things that I saw on Twitter yesterday was Larry Elder, Black conservative (yes, they do exist) talk show host reacted to the riots against Trump by tweeting "The Democrats haven't been this upset since Lincoln freed the slaves".

There is talk of a "Calexit".  All I can say, is that the GOP should not screw this up, like they did when the Democrats wanted to secede in 1860.  Divide their share of national debt,  And let them go.  Oh, and maybe adjust the flow of the Colorado so that it powers the generators at Hoover, and not much else, until Lake Mead is refilled.

I will make the same comparison to sanctuary cities.  They came out the day after the election, and essentially pulled a Fort Sumter against the new President.  Big talk, as NYC is shredding its illegal immigrant data base.  It really is that serious.  It is also easy to test them.

No education money
No law enforcement money, 
No highway money, 
No medicaid
No food stamps.

A president can cut that off, just like that.  How will these cities deal with that?  Especially with the President elect stating that he is only coming after those that have been CONVICTED of a crime.  Do you really want to tell the people of your city that they have been cut off because you are protecting the killer of Kate Steinle?  Oh, please do.

And what does the gay community have to fear from someone that has supported them longer than his former opponent?  Really?  The most apolitical candidate since Ross Perot.

And the Democrats are pointing fingers, screaming "RACISTS!"  I think you have 3 pointing backwards.


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