Elections have consequences.
As a precursor, Just because I supported Trump does not mean that I am back in the GOP fold. I am not. I still think that freedom and liberty are at significant risk, and am done with playing party games. Long live the porcupine. Maybe next time, we can get a real libertarian to run.
A victor has been declared, and the vanquished conceded. Now what?
We could take the path of anger, and hate. Trump could drag the Democrat leaders to his hotel, and tell them that elections have consequences, and they lost. He could do that, after all, that is what President Barack "the great uniter" Obama did in 2009. No doubt many would feel justified in him doing that. I bet the Democrats are expecting it. I hope he doesn't.
Based on names being floated for cabinet posts, I am not getting that "bull in the china shop" vibe. Yes, unlike the current occupant, Trump is an alpha, and he may be able to control the brain trust. Maybe, but I would say this. If you rant against the Iran deal, Senator Corker is not your guy for State, he is the one that facilitated its implementation through his suborning the Constitution. And for Treasury. I would suggest one Dr. Ron Paul.
If I were Trump, I might point out to the beltway GOP, that elections have consequences, and that the reason their is a senate majority is likely due to Trump.
Who was the big money candidate? Who had the superpacs? Can we say that money can't buy a presidency? Can we? Please?
Tell the President to pardon Hillary. Please. Probably nothing would earn greater good will than this. A pardon would imply guilt. Ask the FBI to drop everything with Hillary, including her little charity. I suspect that funding will be drying up for it, so she needs to think about something else. Like explaining how they aren't giving money back to people that thought they were buying access to the future president. Request that the House committees investigating her drop the investigations.
Why did this happen? Simple, really.
In 2008, the Democrat party decided to kick the working class, whites primarily, to the curb. They threw in completely with minorities. They believed their own research indicating that whites were now a minority, and would not control elections anymore. The policies of loose immigration, and high corporate tax rates have combined to drive wages down, or eliminate jobs completely. Trump appealed to these people. He told them they mattered, and could make a difference. They did.
While I do not agree with Trump on the trade wars he envisions, I think that there is considerable imbalance, and most of it is in our system. It is our tariffs on sugar that caused Nabisco to make Oreos in Mexico. Our trade laws need to be updated and revised. Our corporate tax needs to be slashed or eliminated, and if slashed, reduce the exemptions that allow billion dollar corporations to not pay anything in taxes. Force immigrants to be identified, kick out the criminals, and chase down those that overstay their visa. And secure the border. With a liberal guest worker program, one can make significant changes in the economy.
Elections do have consequences, and Trump won.
A victor has been declared, and the vanquished conceded. Now what?
We could take the path of anger, and hate. Trump could drag the Democrat leaders to his hotel, and tell them that elections have consequences, and they lost. He could do that, after all, that is what President Barack "the great uniter" Obama did in 2009. No doubt many would feel justified in him doing that. I bet the Democrats are expecting it. I hope he doesn't.
Based on names being floated for cabinet posts, I am not getting that "bull in the china shop" vibe. Yes, unlike the current occupant, Trump is an alpha, and he may be able to control the brain trust. Maybe, but I would say this. If you rant against the Iran deal, Senator Corker is not your guy for State, he is the one that facilitated its implementation through his suborning the Constitution. And for Treasury. I would suggest one Dr. Ron Paul.
If I were Trump, I might point out to the beltway GOP, that elections have consequences, and that the reason their is a senate majority is likely due to Trump.
Who was the big money candidate? Who had the superpacs? Can we say that money can't buy a presidency? Can we? Please?
Tell the President to pardon Hillary. Please. Probably nothing would earn greater good will than this. A pardon would imply guilt. Ask the FBI to drop everything with Hillary, including her little charity. I suspect that funding will be drying up for it, so she needs to think about something else. Like explaining how they aren't giving money back to people that thought they were buying access to the future president. Request that the House committees investigating her drop the investigations.
Why did this happen? Simple, really.
In 2008, the Democrat party decided to kick the working class, whites primarily, to the curb. They threw in completely with minorities. They believed their own research indicating that whites were now a minority, and would not control elections anymore. The policies of loose immigration, and high corporate tax rates have combined to drive wages down, or eliminate jobs completely. Trump appealed to these people. He told them they mattered, and could make a difference. They did.
While I do not agree with Trump on the trade wars he envisions, I think that there is considerable imbalance, and most of it is in our system. It is our tariffs on sugar that caused Nabisco to make Oreos in Mexico. Our trade laws need to be updated and revised. Our corporate tax needs to be slashed or eliminated, and if slashed, reduce the exemptions that allow billion dollar corporations to not pay anything in taxes. Force immigrants to be identified, kick out the criminals, and chase down those that overstay their visa. And secure the border. With a liberal guest worker program, one can make significant changes in the economy.
Elections do have consequences, and Trump won.
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