Quick Hits
I won't gloat about Trump winning.
I will gloat about having called it, when most seemed resigned to a Clinton Presidency. People thought I was crazy. Wish I was a betting person, I would have cleaned up.
I find it interesting that the LGBTQ community is so up in arms about Trump. He has largely supported them, even going so far as to say that Kaitlyn Jenner could use the Ladies Restroom at Trump Tower whenever she wanted. I want to contrast that with Hillary, who, when faced with the opportunity to stand and call Radical Islam by its name at the Orlando Massacre, instead blamed the firearms like the President. Speaking of Radical Islam.
Rumors abound that Keith Ellison, D-MN, is being pushed for chair of the DNC. More than just rumors, actually. So, in the wake of a repudiation of the open borders and Radical Islam denial of the current administration, they are considering a supporter of CAIR, and the Muslim Brotherhood to lead them? I don't think they fully understand, but that is the problem when you are trying to cobble together groups that may not have the same interests. Why is this a bad idea? He supports apologists for terrorists, and terrorists.
Did I mention that Ted Cruz would be an excellent replacement for Scalia? Not only would it put that brilliant mind on the court, but it would also remove the thorn from the side of the establishment in the Senate, while all but ensuring the seat is safe. What a perfect solution. Trump wins, McConnell wins, Cruz wins, and most importantly, the Constitution wins.
Taxes? Simplify! Everything. Corporate? Why have it? Individual Income Tax? Cut it! and most of all? Simplify!
I look forward to the new President taking a meat cleaver to the regulatory world. It would be so easy, as almost everything that is Federal Law is not statute, but regulation. Congress has abdicated its authority for too long. (which is why the power of the purse couldn't work) Every law that says that the EPA, the IRS, the BLM, etc will regulate means that it can all be chopped. If desired. Telling Congress that the Executive Branch will no longer write law (regulation) would be awesome!
I am struggling mightily with my Political Philosophy class. People deride me, telling me how much the government cares about its citizens. When will we learn that it CAN'T care? Government isn't an individual. It is a leviathan, that consumes more and more. There are almost twice as many Government Employees in this country as there are people working in manufacturing. Questions?
Ask people that deal with the VA if the VA cares. What about the DMV? The IRS? Of course individuals may, but by and large the departments can't. If the law were to care, would it be law? Would it be fair?
More to come.
I will gloat about having called it, when most seemed resigned to a Clinton Presidency. People thought I was crazy. Wish I was a betting person, I would have cleaned up.
I find it interesting that the LGBTQ community is so up in arms about Trump. He has largely supported them, even going so far as to say that Kaitlyn Jenner could use the Ladies Restroom at Trump Tower whenever she wanted. I want to contrast that with Hillary, who, when faced with the opportunity to stand and call Radical Islam by its name at the Orlando Massacre, instead blamed the firearms like the President. Speaking of Radical Islam.
Rumors abound that Keith Ellison, D-MN, is being pushed for chair of the DNC. More than just rumors, actually. So, in the wake of a repudiation of the open borders and Radical Islam denial of the current administration, they are considering a supporter of CAIR, and the Muslim Brotherhood to lead them? I don't think they fully understand, but that is the problem when you are trying to cobble together groups that may not have the same interests. Why is this a bad idea? He supports apologists for terrorists, and terrorists.
Did I mention that Ted Cruz would be an excellent replacement for Scalia? Not only would it put that brilliant mind on the court, but it would also remove the thorn from the side of the establishment in the Senate, while all but ensuring the seat is safe. What a perfect solution. Trump wins, McConnell wins, Cruz wins, and most importantly, the Constitution wins.
Taxes? Simplify! Everything. Corporate? Why have it? Individual Income Tax? Cut it! and most of all? Simplify!
I look forward to the new President taking a meat cleaver to the regulatory world. It would be so easy, as almost everything that is Federal Law is not statute, but regulation. Congress has abdicated its authority for too long. (which is why the power of the purse couldn't work) Every law that says that the EPA, the IRS, the BLM, etc will regulate means that it can all be chopped. If desired. Telling Congress that the Executive Branch will no longer write law (regulation) would be awesome!
I am struggling mightily with my Political Philosophy class. People deride me, telling me how much the government cares about its citizens. When will we learn that it CAN'T care? Government isn't an individual. It is a leviathan, that consumes more and more. There are almost twice as many Government Employees in this country as there are people working in manufacturing. Questions?
Ask people that deal with the VA if the VA cares. What about the DMV? The IRS? Of course individuals may, but by and large the departments can't. If the law were to care, would it be law? Would it be fair?
More to come.
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