Free! But at what price?
Free shipping. Buy one get one free. Free agency. Free will. So many things that are free. During the election, we heard about more free stuff. Free health care. Free tuition. But are they?
This was nearly written ON THE RIM. It is because it is a serious topic, one that is more than politics. (Not that politics aren't serious, but...)
We heard from the Democratic Socialist that in the Scandinavian countries that they have Free! healthcare, Free! college, and so on. The thing is that they don't see it as Free!. They see it as having paid on the front side with high taxes that most in the US would find unpalatable. 60% tax rate that goes all the way down to the equivalent of $60,000 a year in the US. They know it is not Free!. So why was it sold as such? Because we will buy it. That is why.
In this country, we have a huge misconception. We have taught millions that things can be Free!. People need to know that NOTHING is FREE!. Every single thing that is advertised as Free! really costs someone something. If an item has Free! shipping, then the cost of the shipping is rolled into the price of the item. So what if something is Free! and you only pay shipping? Well, the manufacturer has decided to take a loss on the product, for whatever reason.
Some McDonald's give away Big Macs on Buy one get one, when the local NFL team nails a sack. Cool right? Community spirit. Is the second Big Mac truly Free!? Either the cost is factored into other products, or they anticipate you buying additional products, absorbing cost, or, part of the advertising/community outreach budget. Or maybe the owner is willing to take a smaller profit for the good that the promotion does. The bottom line is that there is a cost.
Some advocated Free! tuition. Of course, those advocating suggested that "the rich" pay for it. But how do we define "the rich"? Because even if you taxed the top one percent at 100%, all it would do is clear the current debt. And if you taxed like that, there would be nothing to tax next time around. Ask Venezuela. So then what? If those advocating Free! tuition were honest, on how it would impact EVERYONE, then the public could make an informed decision during an election. The same process could be used regarding Free! healthcare.
What freedoms we enjoy in this land to this day were paid for in blood. Whether the Revolution, shaking off the tyranny of Britain. Or people of this nation rising up to right a horrible wrong based solely on race, in a war that pitted brother against brother. It was this price that I think we may have forgotten. Hopefully, during these last years of war, we have learned that those that want freedom need to be the ones fighting for it. Nation building is not an export we should be doing.
And finally. agency. the ability to choose. In the past, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have used the term "Free agency". The problem with this term, which nearly all of Christian faith would agree, is that it isn't Free! The agency to choose good or evil, to obey or not, and still be able to be cleansed from our sins, through faith in Jesus Christ is definitely NOT Free!. It is a gift. But the price paid was by the Son of God, so that we can live again.
If only we could get all to understand that Free! as understood by many Americans, isn't Free!, we could truly address the issues that are plaguing us.
This was nearly written ON THE RIM. It is because it is a serious topic, one that is more than politics. (Not that politics aren't serious, but...)
We heard from the Democratic Socialist that in the Scandinavian countries that they have Free! healthcare, Free! college, and so on. The thing is that they don't see it as Free!. They see it as having paid on the front side with high taxes that most in the US would find unpalatable. 60% tax rate that goes all the way down to the equivalent of $60,000 a year in the US. They know it is not Free!. So why was it sold as such? Because we will buy it. That is why.
In this country, we have a huge misconception. We have taught millions that things can be Free!. People need to know that NOTHING is FREE!. Every single thing that is advertised as Free! really costs someone something. If an item has Free! shipping, then the cost of the shipping is rolled into the price of the item. So what if something is Free! and you only pay shipping? Well, the manufacturer has decided to take a loss on the product, for whatever reason.
Some McDonald's give away Big Macs on Buy one get one, when the local NFL team nails a sack. Cool right? Community spirit. Is the second Big Mac truly Free!? Either the cost is factored into other products, or they anticipate you buying additional products, absorbing cost, or, part of the advertising/community outreach budget. Or maybe the owner is willing to take a smaller profit for the good that the promotion does. The bottom line is that there is a cost.
Some advocated Free! tuition. Of course, those advocating suggested that "the rich" pay for it. But how do we define "the rich"? Because even if you taxed the top one percent at 100%, all it would do is clear the current debt. And if you taxed like that, there would be nothing to tax next time around. Ask Venezuela. So then what? If those advocating Free! tuition were honest, on how it would impact EVERYONE, then the public could make an informed decision during an election. The same process could be used regarding Free! healthcare.
What freedoms we enjoy in this land to this day were paid for in blood. Whether the Revolution, shaking off the tyranny of Britain. Or people of this nation rising up to right a horrible wrong based solely on race, in a war that pitted brother against brother. It was this price that I think we may have forgotten. Hopefully, during these last years of war, we have learned that those that want freedom need to be the ones fighting for it. Nation building is not an export we should be doing.
And finally. agency. the ability to choose. In the past, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have used the term "Free agency". The problem with this term, which nearly all of Christian faith would agree, is that it isn't Free! The agency to choose good or evil, to obey or not, and still be able to be cleansed from our sins, through faith in Jesus Christ is definitely NOT Free!. It is a gift. But the price paid was by the Son of God, so that we can live again.
If only we could get all to understand that Free! as understood by many Americans, isn't Free!, we could truly address the issues that are plaguing us.
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