
Showing posts from January, 2017

Nixon? Really Chuck?

So the comparison has begun.  President Trump fired an Obama appointee over her refusal to defend the Federal Government in court.  She was not justifying it on constitutional grounds, but rather because it was wrong.  In fact, most constitutional scholars, while not liking the ban, are pretty much lock step that the President has the authority. Firing an Obama appointee that didn't just have her opinion, but enforced it in her department has now been compared to the Saturday night massacre in Nixon's term.  Senator Chuck Shumer, D-NY has led the charge. Firing an ACTING Attorney General for refusing to defend a Constitutional position is the same as wanting to use the Justice Department to intimidate people?  Really? Where were you Senator during Barack Milhous Obama's terms? Bugging reporters that were digging too deep?   Nixon check, Obama check Using the IRS to intimidate opposition?  Nixon wanted to,   Obama did. Administration...

Roe vs Wade

Roe vs Wade is a political issue, but it is an extremely moral one as well.  Tens of millions of babies have been exterminated since the ruling. Have I ever mentioned how much envy the Klan must have for Planned Parenthood?  They are doing the Klan's work  AND  being praised by Civil Rights icons.  All while continuing the work of genocide started by its founder, Margaret Sanger. Today is the March for Life, and I have read that for the first time, a very high ranking administration official will be participating, (Vice President Mike Pence) and that President Trump will be delivering a message. If you have read the original decision, then you know that it only guaranteed the  "right"  to an abortion through the first trimester.  I would respectfully disagree with the justices here, but it isn't surprising after their rapes of the US Constitution during the 1960s.  But, for now, it is the law of the land. Do you know what is not suppo...

The wall

I had some time, so wanted to express some thoughts on the immigration scene. First,  one of the very FEW things that the federal government IS supposed to do is secure the border.  Hmm You can't clamor for a new law when you aren't enforcing the old.  The system is only broken in that we aren't enforcing laws.  Amnesty has been tried a few times, lastly with Rubio and Shumer.  Yes, Amnesty.   That was ultimately what Rubio's plan amounted to.  Republicans weren't going to buy off on legalization now, border security later, again.  Even Reagan who did the first Amnesty said it was a huge mistake.  So border security is a must.  How does that look? I would move regular army to the border, and set up routine patrols to start.  Soldiers armed with greater firepower than those smuggling across.  Who needs ARs when M-16s, and SAWS are available, with much greater power standing by.  ICE would then just be needed to proc...

Random thoughts

Let me ask a question: If, in 2009, we had, instead of destroying the insurance system, the federal government created a subsidized risk pool for those that have pre-existing conditions, would that have accomplished the same thing as taking away millions of people's private insurance coverage, forcing older people to have maternity care on their policies, and on, and on,  Of course, I am personally against the feds being involved period, but that certainly would have been better than the gun to the head on buying insurance, making one a criminal if they chose not to do so.  Yes, criminal. I have no issue with the granting of clemency for drug convicts, AS LONG AS there were no secondary charges that were dropped in exchange for a plea.  You know, GUN LAW violations?  That is the issue that I have with just releasing these criminals.   YES , they are, until the laws are changed, and truly, when the drug laws are changed, records should be reviewed, and as lon...

End of an Error?

Maybe you have seen the bumper stickers heralding "January 20, 2017, the end of an error."  Millions have looked forward to Friday since January 20, 2008.  I haven't, and truthfully, that day was a peaceful transition.  A president despised by the left and right, who, at the end of the day, acted in good conscience for the best of the nation, left DC with no fanfare, retiring to his ranch.  He has been nearly silent over the past 8 years, Most people on the right, while not happy that a Far left Democrat had won, were willing to give the first black president a chance.  Don't argue, it was true, which lasted until he forced the spending bill to keep government unions afloat through Congress without a single Republican vote.  He drew the lines, and he later did the same with Obamacare, which is when the Tea party movement began.  Instead of working on climate change, or immigration reform, he chose to push through the nirvana of progressive politics,...

are there any principled politicians? yes

At least one.  How do you recognize one?  Simple.  When their party is in the majority, do they: Maintain their personal beliefs, even when their party is diametrically opposed?  Some will say that they are there to vote the will of their constituents.  BS.  They were elected because of who they are, and what they professed, that they were trusted to vote in the best interests of their state or district. Actively work against their party when it is putting up a smoke screen so the voters don't see what they are doing?  It is one thing to maintain your pro-life stance, and vote against genocide funding, it is another entirely to rise up in opposition to your party, when they are not doing what they said they would when they campaigned. Rise up on behalf of America against all enemies, mostly domestic?  How many politicians will argue even against the will of the population?  Democracy really is self destructive, without any checks. ...

randomly thinking

Can someone ask Secretary Kerry, or the President how Israel is expected to follow through with the two state solution when the other state wants to destroy Israel?  I mean,  seriously, it has been offered several times, which the PLO rejected.  They forced all the Jews out of Gaza, gave it to Hamas, look what they did.  The PLO and Hamas both want to eliminate the Jewish State through violent means.  And we are willing participants. The President is doing everything he can to shackle the Trump administration.   National Monuments, Off shore drilling bans, selling allies down the river.  Oh, converting political appointees to career civil service.  Nothing says hamper the next administration like having a bunch of Marxists executing policy contrary to the President, regardless of what they are asked to do. Senator Cruz has introduced (along with a companion bill in the House) a Constitutional Amendment to limit the terms of Senators and R...