Random thoughts

Let me ask a question:

If, in 2009, we had, instead of destroying the insurance system, the federal government created a subsidized risk pool for those that have pre-existing conditions, would that have accomplished the same thing as taking away millions of people's private insurance coverage, forcing older people to have maternity care on their policies, and on, and on,  Of course, I am personally against the feds being involved period, but that certainly would have been better than the gun to the head on buying insurance, making one a criminal if they chose not to do so.  Yes, criminal.

I have no issue with the granting of clemency for drug convicts, AS LONG AS there were no secondary charges that were dropped in exchange for a plea.  You know, GUN LAW violations?  That is the issue that I have with just releasing these criminals.  YES, they are, until the laws are changed, and truly, when the drug laws are changed, records should be reviewed, and as long as the drug charge is the extent of the crime, get rid of the conviction.

So much crap about whether there were more for Trump's Inaugural, or Obama's.  I think both sides are wrong.  I do suspect that more people stood hoping for the change that was a lie in 2008, than Friday, but I also know that the photos that were used by the New York Times, and other media outlets were taken well before the event started.  It is a non-issue.

I loved President Trump's speech.  It was all that I could have hoped for, voting for Trump, not out of ideological reasons, but because he would be a disrupter.   To acknowledge that THE PEOPLE are aware, and becoming more aware of what the ELITEs have done TO THEM!  Happy day!  If you read the speech, you will see that it is much more tailored to the people.  Trump owes no one in DC, in fact, the establishment GOP has to come to him.  They know that he has the ear of the people...

Which is WAY better than the Democrats, who are in complete denial that a revolution of political order has really happened.  They blame the candidate, (they should), and now that President Obama's house of Executive Orders cards is getting ready to be wrecked, they only see parties, they think that if the election were run again that they would win.   I don't think so.

Fauxahontas, D-MA stated that more people voted for D Senators than R Senators.  True, but there wasn't even an R on the ballot for Senate in CA.  So, you voted for a Democrat in CA, or you didn't vote for Senator.  Speaking of California...

If you subtract CA from the popular vote, guess who wins the popular vote by nearly 1.4 million votes?  yes, it would be President Trump.  Has California voted to secede yet?  It really can't be too soon.  Filling up the lakes along the Colorado would be incredible, and badly needed.  Not to mention their part of the debt that would go with them, AND the opportunity for those progressives in these hideous red states to go enact their version of Venezuela in California.  At least Chavez recognized the importance of fossil fuels.

It will be interesting.


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