The wall

I had some time, so wanted to express some thoughts on the immigration scene.

First,  one of the very FEW things that the federal government IS supposed to do is secure the border.  Hmm

You can't clamor for a new law when you aren't enforcing the old.  The system is only broken in that we aren't enforcing laws.  Amnesty has been tried a few times, lastly with Rubio and Shumer.  Yes, Amnesty.   That was ultimately what Rubio's plan amounted to.  Republicans weren't going to buy off on legalization now, border security later, again.  Even Reagan who did the first Amnesty said it was a huge mistake.  So border security is a must.  How does that look?

I would move regular army to the border, and set up routine patrols to start.  Soldiers armed with greater firepower than those smuggling across.  Who needs ARs when M-16s, and SAWS are available, with much greater power standing by.  ICE would then just be needed to process the few that are still trying to cross.

Then we deal with the wall/fence.

That frees up the Border Patrol, and ICE to do what they should be doing:

1)  Did you know that a large number of illegal immigrants in this country entered legally?  That would be a good place for ICE to start.  and:

2)  Enforcing the border at places of employment.  Think of all those agents now going into verify that all those working wherever are legally allowed to do so.  Checking paperwork, and matching IDs.  Shutting businesses down that are found not to be in compliance.  Is that a heavy hand?  Yes, but until we fix the problem, it may be necessary.  Obviously this would be well publicized, so that businesses have time to get compliant.

You know, come to think of it, that would solve the minimum wage problem as well.  With low skilled workers leaving, it allows the market to dictate wages and prices.  Will you have to pay more for your roof or your lawn service?  Yes.

Do you know what the three largest sources of revenue are for Mexico?  Oil and tourism are two.  Can you guess the third?  Remittances.  It would be one thing if those coming here to work kept their money here, but they send a sizable portion to their families back home.  The government counts on that money coming in to keep THEIR entitlement spending down.

By focusing on those illegal immigrants who, on top of BEING HERE ILLEGALLY, have also committed serious crimes, the President is going to make it hard on those sanctuary cities to justify maintaining that status when federal money dries up.  Just like registering for Selective Service, if you don't comply with the law, there are all sorts of things that you can't do.  Student loans, federal jobs, and on and on.  Same thing applies.  Even in San Francisco, how do you think the citizens of that People's Republic would feel if highway funds, education funds, and federal welfare money EVAPORATED, just so that they could harbor convicted felons who also are here illegally?  That is a hard sell, but I guess I shouldn't underestimate them.

If countries refuse to accept those criminals we want to deport, then we just cut off foreign aid, and ask their diplomats to leave.  I bet that would change their minds.

Once the border is secure, and employment is verified, we can start talking about what to do with those that are here illegally, but really are those hard working immigrants that we hear about.  Deportation is probably not a real option, but certainly requiring an ID to grant them work status would be.  Consulates could be set up around the nation so that it is easier access for the citizens of the various nations to get hooked up.

What do you think?  Survey says  Problem solved.


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