randomly thinking
Can someone ask Secretary Kerry, or the President how Israel is expected to follow through with the two state solution when the other state wants to destroy Israel? I mean, seriously, it has been offered several times, which the PLO rejected. They forced all the Jews out of Gaza, gave it to Hamas, look what they did. The PLO and Hamas both want to eliminate the Jewish State through violent means. And we are willing participants.
The President is doing everything he can to shackle the Trump administration. National Monuments, Off shore drilling bans, selling allies down the river. Oh, converting political appointees to career civil service. Nothing says hamper the next administration like having a bunch of Marxists executing policy contrary to the President, regardless of what they are asked to do.
Senator Cruz has introduced (along with a companion bill in the House) a Constitutional Amendment to limit the terms of Senators and Representatives. For it to get out to the states, it requires a two thirds majority in both houses. Not sure that is doable, but one thing it can do is to provide impetus to an Article V convention. conventionofstates.com Two thirds of the states voting for it forces Congress to set it up. Don't give me the crap about what could be lost in a Convention. Do you really think that three quarters of the states would ratify an amendment eliminating the Electoral College? Or the 2nd Amendment? Won't happen.
Speaking of Amendments. Real Civil Service reform is necessary. How about a ban on Career Service for Political Appointees? To be fair, I would extend it back to say 1992 or so. That way there is no cry of racism.
Of course, the only true reform that is required is to get rid of federal regulations, With no bureaucracy, or minimal bureaucracy, the money flowing to politicians dries up. Want proof? Just look at the Clinton Foundation, now that there is no quid pro quo for money "given". Maybe a ban on senior bureaucrats from joining lobby firms would help as well. Maybe a lifetime ban? Should, but won't happen. Eliminate federal laws that are redundant to state laws.
Have you noticed how much rage there is on the left? The GOP loses in 08. and people on the right were sad, those who knew the person that the President really was, or suspected him to be, were worried, (they were right, but that is another story) What racist, sexist, homophobic policies has the President Elect actually introduced? Deporting felony convicted illegals? Appointing justices that enforce the law, rather than a touchy feely version? Can they really not live in world where people are judged by their merits rather than the color of their skin, or gender, or sexual orientation or anything else? Trying to enact tax reform to simplify the code, forcing crony capitalists to actually have to pay taxes, rather than have loop holes?
As for me? Whenever someone says that I am racist for supporting these things, I will point out that they are more racist for advancing policies because they feel that the Fill in the blank group can't make it without guilty white liberal's help. That is real racism.
I know, long, but I just scratched the surface. happy new year!
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