Nixon? Really Chuck?

So the comparison has begun.  President Trump fired an Obama appointee over her refusal to defend the Federal Government in court.  She was not justifying it on constitutional grounds, but rather because it was wrong.  In fact, most constitutional scholars, while not liking the ban, are pretty much lock step that the President has the authority.

Firing an Obama appointee that didn't just have her opinion, but enforced it in her department has now been compared to the Saturday night massacre in Nixon's term.  Senator Chuck Shumer, D-NY has led the charge.

Firing an ACTING Attorney General for refusing to defend a Constitutional position is the same as wanting to use the Justice Department to intimidate people?  Really?

Where were you Senator during Barack Milhous Obama's terms?

Bugging reporters that were digging too deep?  Nixon check, Obama check

Using the IRS to intimidate opposition?  Nixon wanted to,  Obama did.

Administration withholding information from the FBI and Congress? Nixon check, Obama check

Using Treasury to bully enemies?  Nixon check, Obama check.

Administration officials lying under oath to congress?  Nixon check, Obama check.

By the way, Senator, the Republican members of Congress did not stand with President Nixon,  funny how things change.  This is the second president that Democrats in Congress chose party over nation.

As to immigration and the President's EO.  He used President Obama's list of countries to limit the processing of immigrants and refugees.  President Obama had, during his two terms, limited immigration from certain nations.  Don't tell me it is the dreaded "Muslim Ban" that was spoken of during  the campaign as the most populous Muslim majority nations were not on the list.  But speaking of discriminating based on Religion, the Obama administration did seem to discriminate against Christian refugees from Syria and Iraq.  You know, the ones that were being executed for not being Muslim?


  1. The rhetoric continues but logic and common sense never make an appearance (from either side of the aisle!)


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