No repeal, no money! That should be the war cry!

Sorry, but had to post a quick one.

I did a quick review for the passage in 2015 of HR 3762.  This was the GOP repeal attempt of the Patient Affordable Care Act.  It passed with only 7 GOP no votes in the House, and 1 GOP no vote in the Senate.  Why does that matter?

Most of the GOP  House no votes were actually conservatives who didn't think the repeal went far enough.  In the Senate, it was Senator Collins (RINO-ME) that voted against it.  So, if my math serves, that would still leave plenty of votes, IN BOTH HOUSES, to repeat the vote, knowing that the President would sign it.  Except...

The Establishment GOP doesn't want to expose their members to a politically explosive vote.


They brag about how many times they had passed the repeal in the House.

First, when it would die in the Senate, due to a Democrat majority there.

Second, when they passed it in both Houses, knowing it was going to be vetoed by the President.

But now, when there is a chance to actually get rid of this job killing, Health care sucking vampire, what do they do?

They won't even put it to a vote, because now it could actually happen.


The GOP has campaigned since 2010 on repealing Ocare.

2010-"Give us the House, we will do it!"  We did.  Symbolic votes, nothing more.

2014-"Give us the Senate, we will do it!"  We did.  A symbolic vote, with a Presidential Veto

2016-"We need the White House to do this!  That is the only thing standing between Ocare, and the ashbin of history" We were promised, with the establishment sure that Hillary was going to win.  She didn't, and so... No clean repeal vote.  But all along, dollars kept rolling it to the coffers.

What can be done?  Write your congressman/woman.  Tell them you want a repeal, and Tax reform, and now!  Tell them no money until it happens.

If the RNC calls (for some reason, they still call me, even though I told them I switched to the LP) Tell them "NO REPEAL, NO MONEY!"  When the So and so PAC calls raising money, tell them "NO REPEAL, NO MONEY!" and then mean it.

As I mentioned, I had switched to the Libertarian Party.  I would encourage your investigation of the party.  They aren't just about smoking pot.


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