We hold these truths to be self evident
I am getting ready to leave to camp in the morning, and as I don't need to worry about work emails anymore, am not taking a laptop. I will have my Xoom (Neanderthal motorola tablet), just to keep in touch with the world, somewhat, but makes it more difficult to type blog posts.
An ideal was expressed by the Founding Fathers. That men were given, BY THEIR CREATOR, certain unalienable rights. Specifically, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, (originally property, specifically changed to not lock in the idea that slaves were guaranteed by the Declaration). They pledged all they had. Many paid an extremely high price for their "treason" against the crown.
We are blessed, as there were far more Rand Pauls in the Continental Congress, than there are today. Of course there were also your Mitch McConnells, and Paul Ryans, and probably even a few Chuck Schumers.
When the Declaration had come was issued, we were already at war. That war, by the way, was not going well for the colonists. The outcome was very much in doubt. That they would thus pledge speaks of the passion that these men had. I wonder what they would think about our Congress today. No doubt most of them would be appalled that we would be fighting over whether the government should give people a living, or whether they should just provide subsidies for people to live.
Remember what the War was over. Taxation without representation, was the main cry, fighting over taxes that your most hard core libertarian could only imagine today. Control over their own destiny. There is no control of your destiny when so much autopay is built into the government that we are screaming over whether a reduced increase in Medicaid funding is a cut or not. (Not, in case you were wondering) While vigorous discussion has always gone hand in hand in a Republic, and violence wasn't unheard of, the way we are going today seems very much like the times leading up to the Civil War. We have chained our children's children to this bureaucracy.
With the conversion of the Senate from a body representing the Individual States, to a simple democratically elected legislature, most of the ideals of the Republic have vanished. The states, which were INDIVIDUALLY granted sovereignty by the English, formed the Republic that has ceased to be, politically. We are now a country ruled by the mob. To compare the Tea Party crowd to the Occupy wack jobs, or the Antifa looney toons of this year is insane. Yes, there were wack jobs in the Tea Party, but they were the fringe, not the center of the movement.
In reality, we elected the candidate of the mob as President. I argued for nearly six months about why he should not be President, only to realize at the last moment that there were no good options, and he was the least worse. I held out for the Libertarian, only to find out he was a supporter of the jack booted thugs of Federal power. The President reaches the people because, in spite of being a billionaire, he connects with them. He is one of them. He puts up no pretense of being an elitist. That is serving him very well right now. The progressives are realizing that leading the mob, and acting as an autocrat in a democracy can be easily undone. It takes hard work to make law. It is even harder, as the GOP is finding out, to undo law.
The media hates that the President can get his message out in spite of them. That is the real issue. He tweets like the alpha male that he feels himself to be, and compared to the previous administrations, he is. He has no filter, which is unfortunate. He wastes time on petty disputes, when he should be focusing on calling out the media when necessary, and advancing his agenda. He really does have the chance to lead, and to actually pressure Congress to move legislation. But no, he goes off the rails. That is too bad. This is truly an historic opportunity, and he is spoiling it.
As we sang America the Beautiful today in church, I couldn't help but be struck by part of the second verse:
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self control,
Thy liberty in law
We are not perfect, we should not expect those that serve in government to be perfect. Like it says, that we will confirm our souls in self control We definitely could use that, on BOTH sides of the aisle. And where do we find liberty? In the law. Enforce them. If you don't like it, don't choose to NOT enforce them, go through the process of eliminating them.
Happy 4th. Remember the why of the Declaration. No mention of fireworks, hot dogs, or apple pie.
An ideal was expressed by the Founding Fathers. That men were given, BY THEIR CREATOR, certain unalienable rights. Specifically, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, (originally property, specifically changed to not lock in the idea that slaves were guaranteed by the Declaration). They pledged all they had. Many paid an extremely high price for their "treason" against the crown.
We are blessed, as there were far more Rand Pauls in the Continental Congress, than there are today. Of course there were also your Mitch McConnells, and Paul Ryans, and probably even a few Chuck Schumers.
When the Declaration had come was issued, we were already at war. That war, by the way, was not going well for the colonists. The outcome was very much in doubt. That they would thus pledge speaks of the passion that these men had. I wonder what they would think about our Congress today. No doubt most of them would be appalled that we would be fighting over whether the government should give people a living, or whether they should just provide subsidies for people to live.
Remember what the War was over. Taxation without representation, was the main cry, fighting over taxes that your most hard core libertarian could only imagine today. Control over their own destiny. There is no control of your destiny when so much autopay is built into the government that we are screaming over whether a reduced increase in Medicaid funding is a cut or not. (Not, in case you were wondering) While vigorous discussion has always gone hand in hand in a Republic, and violence wasn't unheard of, the way we are going today seems very much like the times leading up to the Civil War. We have chained our children's children to this bureaucracy.
With the conversion of the Senate from a body representing the Individual States, to a simple democratically elected legislature, most of the ideals of the Republic have vanished. The states, which were INDIVIDUALLY granted sovereignty by the English, formed the Republic that has ceased to be, politically. We are now a country ruled by the mob. To compare the Tea Party crowd to the Occupy wack jobs, or the Antifa looney toons of this year is insane. Yes, there were wack jobs in the Tea Party, but they were the fringe, not the center of the movement.
In reality, we elected the candidate of the mob as President. I argued for nearly six months about why he should not be President, only to realize at the last moment that there were no good options, and he was the least worse. I held out for the Libertarian, only to find out he was a supporter of the jack booted thugs of Federal power. The President reaches the people because, in spite of being a billionaire, he connects with them. He is one of them. He puts up no pretense of being an elitist. That is serving him very well right now. The progressives are realizing that leading the mob, and acting as an autocrat in a democracy can be easily undone. It takes hard work to make law. It is even harder, as the GOP is finding out, to undo law.
The media hates that the President can get his message out in spite of them. That is the real issue. He tweets like the alpha male that he feels himself to be, and compared to the previous administrations, he is. He has no filter, which is unfortunate. He wastes time on petty disputes, when he should be focusing on calling out the media when necessary, and advancing his agenda. He really does have the chance to lead, and to actually pressure Congress to move legislation. But no, he goes off the rails. That is too bad. This is truly an historic opportunity, and he is spoiling it.
As we sang America the Beautiful today in church, I couldn't help but be struck by part of the second verse:
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self control,
Thy liberty in law
We are not perfect, we should not expect those that serve in government to be perfect. Like it says, that we will confirm our souls in self control We definitely could use that, on BOTH sides of the aisle. And where do we find liberty? In the law. Enforce them. If you don't like it, don't choose to NOT enforce them, go through the process of eliminating them.
Happy 4th. Remember the why of the Declaration. No mention of fireworks, hot dogs, or apple pie.
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