And now what?
It's been a while.
The GOP is running out of time to get Tax Reform and Healthcare done.
Healthcare is probably dead in the water. Too many people are receiving the welfare subsidies to make it politically impossible to fix.
Tax Reform will be even harder, because lowering the rates for all, will probably mean reducing deductions that most people don't take anyway, but it will be sold that way. A complex tax code gives power to the powerful. Only an elite few benefit from that complexity. Do you?
It is critical that they get it done THIS YEAR. It is because of 2018 being an election year, but not because of partisan politics. It is about no significant legislation will come out because of it. As a consequence, having whiffed on healthcare, if tax reform isn't done, then Speaker Pelosi, and impeachment of President Trump.
Those Senators who voted against "skinny" repeal should name the Democrats that are willing to work with them in a bipartisan fashion to fix healthcare while Trump is president. They can't because none will.
The fact that President Obama's UN Ambassador, Samantha Powers, apparently requested the unmasking of hundreds of people, with no apparent need to know, speaks volumes about the need to crush the spy state that has been set up.
About that last point. Here is how you know the true supporters of liberty;
When the Patriot Act was stood up back under W, who stood for Liberty? A few Democrats, and a cranky old GOP Congressman from Texas. When it was renewed by a Democrat controlled congress, who was for Liberty? A cranky old congressman from Texas, a freshman GOP senator from KY, and a Democrat Senator from Oregon. There were others, of course, but the point is:
With very few exceptions, the GOP supported the spy state, and when it was controlled by Democrats, they were all for it. Yup, both GOP and Democrats by and large want to have the ability to know to whom you are speaking, texting, or communicating. Very few liberty minded legislators care enough to want to dismantle this leviathan, as there are very few legislators that care about freedom.
Since the threat of legal action is not plugging the leaks, perhaps putting the CIA on it will. Maybe some disappearances would provide the disincentive necessary. I am sort of joking. Private conversations should remain as such. Revealing for political gain is crime. This is not whistleblowing.
The Democrats still don't get it. They are talking about how stupid the Governor of WV is for switching to the GOP. That move alone probably increased the chances of Senator Manchin (D-WV) losing re-election in 2018.
And finally,
So many people are on AG Sessions' case about enforcing the drug laws of this nation. I won't say I told you so, but whenever people don't want to do the hard work of governing, opting to just ignoring the law, this was bound to happen. The drug laws have been upheld by the courts in the land, and until there is a change, the AG is bound by his oath to do his best. The same with immigration. Don't like the result of the laws? Then fix them, darn it! There are sponsors in both Houses, and both parties, that want to do just that. But too many people are too comfortable with control.
The GOP is running out of time to get Tax Reform and Healthcare done.
Healthcare is probably dead in the water. Too many people are receiving the welfare subsidies to make it politically impossible to fix.
Tax Reform will be even harder, because lowering the rates for all, will probably mean reducing deductions that most people don't take anyway, but it will be sold that way. A complex tax code gives power to the powerful. Only an elite few benefit from that complexity. Do you?
It is critical that they get it done THIS YEAR. It is because of 2018 being an election year, but not because of partisan politics. It is about no significant legislation will come out because of it. As a consequence, having whiffed on healthcare, if tax reform isn't done, then Speaker Pelosi, and impeachment of President Trump.
Those Senators who voted against "skinny" repeal should name the Democrats that are willing to work with them in a bipartisan fashion to fix healthcare while Trump is president. They can't because none will.
The fact that President Obama's UN Ambassador, Samantha Powers, apparently requested the unmasking of hundreds of people, with no apparent need to know, speaks volumes about the need to crush the spy state that has been set up.
About that last point. Here is how you know the true supporters of liberty;
When the Patriot Act was stood up back under W, who stood for Liberty? A few Democrats, and a cranky old GOP Congressman from Texas. When it was renewed by a Democrat controlled congress, who was for Liberty? A cranky old congressman from Texas, a freshman GOP senator from KY, and a Democrat Senator from Oregon. There were others, of course, but the point is:
With very few exceptions, the GOP supported the spy state, and when it was controlled by Democrats, they were all for it. Yup, both GOP and Democrats by and large want to have the ability to know to whom you are speaking, texting, or communicating. Very few liberty minded legislators care enough to want to dismantle this leviathan, as there are very few legislators that care about freedom.
Since the threat of legal action is not plugging the leaks, perhaps putting the CIA on it will. Maybe some disappearances would provide the disincentive necessary. I am sort of joking. Private conversations should remain as such. Revealing for political gain is crime. This is not whistleblowing.
The Democrats still don't get it. They are talking about how stupid the Governor of WV is for switching to the GOP. That move alone probably increased the chances of Senator Manchin (D-WV) losing re-election in 2018.
And finally,
So many people are on AG Sessions' case about enforcing the drug laws of this nation. I won't say I told you so, but whenever people don't want to do the hard work of governing, opting to just ignoring the law, this was bound to happen. The drug laws have been upheld by the courts in the land, and until there is a change, the AG is bound by his oath to do his best. The same with immigration. Don't like the result of the laws? Then fix them, darn it! There are sponsors in both Houses, and both parties, that want to do just that. But too many people are too comfortable with control.
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