last one.
i can't take it anymore. too many staking out positions too far apart to ever come together. I am not sure if we can recover from this.
The President has seriously damaged his ability to move an agenda forward. I hope he can recover, but really, he was fighting both Democrats and establishment GOP before this recent flap. The GOP needs to understand that their rank and file is standing against the Congressional branch of the party, and for the President's agenda, if not the President himself.
Before you read. I want to be clear that examples I use are not suggesting in any way the destruction of them. I am a true student of history, and think that relics are reminders of the good and bad. Also, if you can't detect sarcasm, please read carefully, and understand that there is some.
With terrorism in my beloved Espana in the news, all the petty back and forth about statues and skinheads being idiots just reminds me of Benjamin Franklin who said that "If we don't hang together, we shall surely all hang separately." If we can't unite, then we can be defeated. I am not sure that we can ever find common ground.
I have been thinking about the Confederate monuments lately. I think that those that want to keep them up and defend them need to ask; "Why were they erected?" Why? A good deal of them were erected either during Jim Crow, or in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Act. It is likely that MANY (not all) were erected in defiance of the federal government, kind of a re-fighting of the Civil War.
I am going to take a moment, and point out that statues on public grounds should not be torn down by mobs, but should be considered by the appropriate authorities. Rule of law should be the norm.
Some monuments are thoughtful, meant to actually remember what happened, so that it doesn't again. This is distinct from referring to the "War of Northern Aggression", and raising up symbols intentionally to flaunt that victimology. If you feel that EVERYTHING confederate should be scrubbed, let me just offer three words:
Wounded Knee Memorial. Called the Battle of Wounded Knee by the victorious cavalry, it should be remembered as the Wounded Knee Massacre. There was no battle. The Sioux, unarmed, danced the Ghost Dance, and the soldiers used rifles, artillery, and bayonets. But hey, they lost. There shouldn't be any monuments, or memorials to remind us of tragedies, right? Want to make an exception? Well, it is a cemetery, and it does have historical value as to what can happen when a government directed mob is set loose. Okay. I will give you Wounded Knee.
How about: Crazy Horse Memorial? Still a work in progress, a massive mountain being carved into the silhouette of the great Indian Chief. Maybe we could call him the Indian Robert E. Lee. I mean, the government had settled the Indians on Reservations, and Crazy Horse worked to defy them. Maybe we could even say he was rebelling against the benevolent US Government?
Look, the Indians were screwed time and again by the US Government. Truth is, they are still being screwed. Even worse than before.
Anyone thinking about renaming half of the federal buildings in West Virginia? They are named after the last member of the Klan in the Senate. (want to guess which party? you don't have to, do you?) Switching gears.
Senator Corker (R-TN) has called the White House incompetent. I would say that General Kelly has his work cut out for him there, but I would point out to the "honorable" Senator that he might want to compare the White House polling numbers to Congress. I would also mention that it was Senator Corker that gave President Obama an out regarding Iran. By sponsoring the stupid bill that turned the Constitutionally required Senate ratification upside down, Senator Corker allowed President Obama to maintain that his bogus Iran agreement was legitimate, and sanctioned by Congress. And so, with no due respect, Senator, your presenting that gift to President Obama stretches the word competence to new lows.
Antifa is allowed to run rampant. Every act of violence that they, or the Black Lives Matters terrorists commit, will be excused by the media. And the media will provide plenty of cover for them. Should these idiots in the "alt Right" (who seemingly act just like the left, just a different victimology) be allowed to speak? Yes. Protest? Yes. Damage, destroy, or harm another's person, or property? NO WAY! The media provided plenty of obfuscation in the Charlottesville event, as to what happened, and who did what, (other than the Nazi driving the car), so even if the truth was completely opposite to what we have been told, it won't get out, the media will just move back to Russia.
Not a single Democrat has called out the Antifa movement, or the BLM for that matter. People see that, and it just reinforces in their minds that President Trump's cries of "Fake News" could be true.
You know, my grandmother, definitely NOT a conservative, always had two sayings regarding freedoms. 1, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me, and 2. Your right to throw your fist ends the moment it touches my face. Just sayin.
The President has seriously damaged his ability to move an agenda forward. I hope he can recover, but really, he was fighting both Democrats and establishment GOP before this recent flap. The GOP needs to understand that their rank and file is standing against the Congressional branch of the party, and for the President's agenda, if not the President himself.
Before you read. I want to be clear that examples I use are not suggesting in any way the destruction of them. I am a true student of history, and think that relics are reminders of the good and bad. Also, if you can't detect sarcasm, please read carefully, and understand that there is some.
With terrorism in my beloved Espana in the news, all the petty back and forth about statues and skinheads being idiots just reminds me of Benjamin Franklin who said that "If we don't hang together, we shall surely all hang separately." If we can't unite, then we can be defeated. I am not sure that we can ever find common ground.
I have been thinking about the Confederate monuments lately. I think that those that want to keep them up and defend them need to ask; "Why were they erected?" Why? A good deal of them were erected either during Jim Crow, or in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Act. It is likely that MANY (not all) were erected in defiance of the federal government, kind of a re-fighting of the Civil War.
I am going to take a moment, and point out that statues on public grounds should not be torn down by mobs, but should be considered by the appropriate authorities. Rule of law should be the norm.
Some monuments are thoughtful, meant to actually remember what happened, so that it doesn't again. This is distinct from referring to the "War of Northern Aggression", and raising up symbols intentionally to flaunt that victimology. If you feel that EVERYTHING confederate should be scrubbed, let me just offer three words:
Wounded Knee Memorial. Called the Battle of Wounded Knee by the victorious cavalry, it should be remembered as the Wounded Knee Massacre. There was no battle. The Sioux, unarmed, danced the Ghost Dance, and the soldiers used rifles, artillery, and bayonets. But hey, they lost. There shouldn't be any monuments, or memorials to remind us of tragedies, right? Want to make an exception? Well, it is a cemetery, and it does have historical value as to what can happen when a government directed mob is set loose. Okay. I will give you Wounded Knee.
How about: Crazy Horse Memorial? Still a work in progress, a massive mountain being carved into the silhouette of the great Indian Chief. Maybe we could call him the Indian Robert E. Lee. I mean, the government had settled the Indians on Reservations, and Crazy Horse worked to defy them. Maybe we could even say he was rebelling against the benevolent US Government?
Look, the Indians were screwed time and again by the US Government. Truth is, they are still being screwed. Even worse than before.
Anyone thinking about renaming half of the federal buildings in West Virginia? They are named after the last member of the Klan in the Senate. (want to guess which party? you don't have to, do you?) Switching gears.
Senator Corker (R-TN) has called the White House incompetent. I would say that General Kelly has his work cut out for him there, but I would point out to the "honorable" Senator that he might want to compare the White House polling numbers to Congress. I would also mention that it was Senator Corker that gave President Obama an out regarding Iran. By sponsoring the stupid bill that turned the Constitutionally required Senate ratification upside down, Senator Corker allowed President Obama to maintain that his bogus Iran agreement was legitimate, and sanctioned by Congress. And so, with no due respect, Senator, your presenting that gift to President Obama stretches the word competence to new lows.
Antifa is allowed to run rampant. Every act of violence that they, or the Black Lives Matters terrorists commit, will be excused by the media. And the media will provide plenty of cover for them. Should these idiots in the "alt Right" (who seemingly act just like the left, just a different victimology) be allowed to speak? Yes. Protest? Yes. Damage, destroy, or harm another's person, or property? NO WAY! The media provided plenty of obfuscation in the Charlottesville event, as to what happened, and who did what, (other than the Nazi driving the car), so even if the truth was completely opposite to what we have been told, it won't get out, the media will just move back to Russia.
Not a single Democrat has called out the Antifa movement, or the BLM for that matter. People see that, and it just reinforces in their minds that President Trump's cries of "Fake News" could be true.
You know, my grandmother, definitely NOT a conservative, always had two sayings regarding freedoms. 1, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me, and 2. Your right to throw your fist ends the moment it touches my face. Just sayin.
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