Time for truth

I would have more respect for people that expressed support for the President of the United States, regardless of party, when they turned away from the President after his press conference yesterday.  For those that have lived in denial for the last 7 months, no one should care what you think.  I certainly have no respect for you at all.

President Trump was saying what millions of people have thought;  Hate is wrong.  No matter whose hate it is.  No matter whom you hate.  The thing is, millions of people are not President, President Trump is.  He was NOT presidential, and his agenda is on the ropes.  I am not sure there is any good will left in the Senate and House GOP caucuses to advance it.   You see here is the deal, and why it erupted the way it did.

Democrats and the media (sorry for being redundant) have stated for decades that conservatives are racists, and bigots.  Period.  To them, there is no difference between a White Supremacist, a White Nationalist, or just Joe Sixpack putting in his 40 a week at XYZ manufacturing.  They are not the same.  To understand the difference, (which Judge Jeanine doesn't) listen to Dr. Carol Swain explain it.  It is well worth the 5 minutes and change

Are you a coal miner, whom Hillary called deplorable and wanted to eliminate your job?  Nazi!  How about a steel worker clinging to your guns and God?  White Supremacist!  Hater! Bigot!  Do you see?  What the media has done is lump all white conservatives in with the likes of David Duke (not a conservative) or Robert Spencer (White Supremacy?  Really?) 

President Trump committed the ultimate heresy;  He acknowledged that there is hate on both sides.  Funny, how it took forever and a day to acknowledge radical islamist terror under President Obama, and yet, when the President decries hate on his initial reaction, that isn't enough.   

They (Democrats and squishy GOP members that have NEVER supported the President) say that President Trump is dividing this country.  Where the hell were they in the previous presidency, which divided this nation and poured gas on it waiting for the match?  Well?  You know, these things would probably be happening even if Hillary had won, the only difference is that the media would have cheered when she called out the army to squash the protests. (think Tienanmen Square, 1989)  

Yes, they would have. 


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