What is the use?
Believe me, I have struggled writing this one. I wanted to lash out in anger at the people that are mobbing, for lumping the rest of us in with this group or that one. Anger does no good here.
I wonder what is the point of sharing opinions anymore. No one cares. If you lean conservative/libertarian, you are considered a racist. If you are a member of the GOP, that automatically brands you as the same. If you come out against all hate, and not the right hate, no matter who the hater is, you are a racist, and support the white supremacy movement. Hate is unacceptable. No matter what the situation, it is the ultimate weapon of the second-hander.
It doesn't even matter that the media will not report honestly on President Trump. It doesn't matter that the majority of power players in the Democrat party won't accept that the worst candidate in history, running the worst campaign in history lost because of it. Why does none of it matter?
I read a blog the other day of members of my church who are black, feeling uncomfortable taking their kids to church, as they know that members of their congregation belong to some of these idiot racist groups. I feel for these dear sisters, and mourn that that could be the case.
Speaking from my own feelings and observations, I feel that we mormons are mostly loving people, but feel uncomfortable around people that don't dress, look, or act like us. It is one thing to feel uncomfortable, it is another entirely to actively support principles that are directly contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I have come to the conclusion that the Confederate Flag has been hijacked by these racists, and it has become the symbol that it was always believed to be by the left. It cannot be defended anymore from a historical perspective. Too bad.
It is important to remember history, to keep these memorials around, so that we don't forget those events. (it was the planned destruction of a statue of Robert E. Lee was at the center of this recent event) The importance of remembering the bloodshed. For what was required to eliminate slavery. By eliminating history, we are doomed to repeat it. The mobs of Antifa and these Kluckers are evidence that we are lining up the same way all over again. Are we really that stupid? Don't answer that.
At the core of all of this, is freedom of speech. I would like to say that we all support this 1st Amendment right, but I am more convinced than ever that it is at risk, with its associated rights of religion, press, assembly, etc. It is difficult to stand for the speech of these kooks, I know, but by trying to squelch it, we give them a bigger megaphone than they had before. If we don't like the speech, we still must defend it. Especially if we don't like it. An event like this past weekend could be the catalyst to eliminate it. With the concept of the PC culture, where we don't offend, for fear of hurting some feelings, we have already eroded this precious right.
We are in trouble. There is no question of this. When people's rights to speak, write, assemble, and believe are at risk by the mob, we need to stand together. We must unite to protect the rights of all.
As much as I hate what those idiots stand for I don't like where things are headed. I saw today mins tearing down monuments they disagree with. Where does it stop. Could Brigham Young be next, or Thomas Jefferson because he owned slaves. When do we stand up to the mob rule even if we agree that there should be a discussion about honoring southern war hero's.