Congress- "What, me worry?"

If you are older, you remember this statement as Alfred E. Newman's signature statement from MAD magazine.

I am currently studying both the Presidency and Congress in two separate courses.  The evolution of the tyranny of the Executive began of course with the progressives Roosevelt, Teddy (RINO) and Woodrow Wilson (I love fascism!).  I know from the beginning of the Republic some presidents have worked to expand the office, but not like those guys.   But it went full throttle when FDR extended the economic downturn that Hoover blew up with Keynesian spending, and FDR flooded it, to the point that even his Treasury Secretary said:

"We have tried spending money.  We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.  And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong...somebody else can have my job.  I want to see the country prosperous.  I want to see people get a job.  I want to see people get enough to eat.  We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"  Henry Morgenthau Jr.

So, I know, lots of hyperbole to start. (Accurate, but probably a little biased)

Here is the deal.  Congress has ceded most of its power to the Executive.  It is a win/win for them.  They can say they did something by passing a framework.  They then let the Executive fill in the law.  You know, the unelected, unaccountable, unfirable bureaucracy.  And then, when the regulations turn out to be unpopular, what happens?  Congress blames the Executive Branch.  Of course, the Congress is held in pretty low esteem generally, so it really hasn't worked for them.

Now we have an Executive, marketed by his enemies as a tyrant.  One that shoots off his mouth, or Twitterfeed like a longshoreman, (which people seem to love, by the way)  But what is going on really?  He has pushed off immigration to the Congress, where it belongs.  Ever since President Obama did what he said he couldn't do, the GOP has been whining about Congress making the law.  Of course, I would be derelict if I didn't mention that President Obama had a huge majority in the House, and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate (2009-10) and didn't do anything about immigration.  He has done more to restore the Constitution than any President since Coolidge. (actions, not words)

Congress, get off your well polished hind ends!  Stop having your meet and greets back home, get back to DC and do your freakin jobs!  There is so much more than immigration to deal with.

Remember the whining lawmakers about enforcing federal drug laws?  Instead of complaining, do your freakin' job!

While you are at it, Medicare and Social Security programs are in deficit, they will always be henceforth in deficit, and you are doing squat about what is probably the biggest threat to our security today.  Your military and welfare spending increases won't mean anything when the big three consume all of the revenue and deficit spending.  (Social Security, Medicare, and service on the debt)

We need to be smart with the military, not spend to spend.  We need to reform our entitlement programs, to make them much more efficient. (85 cents out of every dollar in bureaucratic costs is lunacy) and the big ones Social Security and Medicare.  And guess what?

Congress has taken the budget off the table for about two years, so...

THEY HAVE PLENTY OF TIME.  Speaker Ryan needs to lay down the law. (STOP LAUGHING!) He needs to say that there will be no recess for campaigning until serious entitlement reform is finished.


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