Gun Free zones

As we now sort through the wreckage of the latest mass shooting (what is it, like 400 this year?)  we are missing the big picture. 

We have too many laws, have I mentioned that?  Sorry.  But we do.  Too many of these laws restrict our ability to use our property as we see fit, and to protect it as necessary.  What a man or woman does in their own home, so much as it has no impact on someone else, should be their business.  Yes it is a break from Social Conservatism, but you can't have limited government, without, having limited government.  I have already made that argument.  But I digress.

Police protect society in general.  They are under NO requirement to protect you, the individual.  The Supreme Court has so ruled.  Yes, if you call in distress they will come to your assistance, based on the priority of your situation.  So, even if someone is in your house, has your family tied up, and is raping your wife, mother, or daughters while forcing you to watch, if there is something more serious to society going on, you will have to wait.  Extreme?  Yes, probably unlikely that that would be the case.  BUT.  If you live 20 minutes away from the location of the nearest police cruiser, then 20 minutes will be the wait time.  Not much can happen in 20 minutes, right?

This is the lie of the gun free zone.  In 1991, it was a felony for a woman to carry a gun in her purse. (or conceal carry in general)  We rely on our fellow citizens respecting our persons, and our property, with the police to provide backup when that doesn't happen. See how it worked out then, from the mouth of an eyewitness.

the look on then Congressman Schumer's face is telling. There is a whole series of her testifying on the same deaf ears.

She doesn't blame the lunatic, she doesn't blame the gun, she blames the legislature for not letting her protect herself. 

A question.  Many of those that carry out these kind of shootings are mentally unstable, to say the least.  But here is the thing.  Can we pass a law that would force all those who are diagnosed as having a mental disorder (bipolar, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc) to take their prescribed medication?  I wonder how the ACLU would feel about that?  We know, because of the upheaval during the 70s regarding  the treatment of mental health.   They would  So how do you fix that?

Guns are the great equalizer in society.  Women, normally smaller, with less strength than men, are easy targets, unless they are equalized with a gun.  The video mentions the Korean on top of the store with a semi-automatic rifle keeping looters at bay in LA during the riots.  When society breaks down, for whatever reason, we are more on our own than ever.  What about during the post civil war era in the South?  When blacks, frequently harassed by the Klan and other racist groups, needed help, where were the cops?  Wearing hoods with their brother Klansmen?  Maybe.  Where was the NRA?  Advocating for their right to bear arms, and providing those arms.  Yup, true statements.  Funny how we are told to rely on the police, but yet we are told on the other hand that the police are crooked, racist, and thugs.

No doubt you are thinking me a doom and gloomer.  I am not.  But I am a realist.  Because, at the end of the day, the only person you can count on to protect you is....  you. 

You know, more and more states are going to "constitutional carry"  which is that there is no permit required to carry a concealed weapon.  Idaho passed that shortly before I left.  Why?  Because, as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we have the inalienable right to life, and we can only count on ourselves to protect that right.


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