How times have changed
When I was growing up, my grandmother, who was, if not a dyed in the wool socialist, at least a progressive to the nth degree. (minus the racism so commonly associated with progressives) Needless to say as I grew, and espoused a more conservative viewpoint, we had some differences of opinion. She always said that "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". I have never forgotten that. It seems that along with so many of our rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech is going away. When I started writing, I will admit that many of my writings were harsh, without regard to people's feelings. I had some feedback that was, I think valid of previous writing, but not lately. I realized that if I am truly a Christian, that I probably should not repay in kind for the unkind things that have been said about people of my faith, of my political leaning, race, gender, etc. I would say that terms...