who won? what won? quick hits

Gay issues are toxic for conservatives in the ballot box.  Immigration is toxic for conservatives in the ballot box.  The Tea Party is dead.

Just as a reminder, months ago, I pointed out how wrong the political class was in Israel, where the Likud won a majority keeping Bibi on as PM, and how the Tories, (the conservatives in England) won an outright majority, not having to make a coalition with any of the other factions to govern in England.  In both cases the conservatives were expected to lose. (as a side, President Obama sent his minions over to Israel to try to take Netanyahu, they didn't.)

Last Tuesday, contrary to the political wisdom, a Tea Party Republican won the governorship in KY, for the first time in forever.  Matt Bevin  was behind in the polls, right up until he won.

In Houston, a city which voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, a so called equal rights ordinance for the LGBT community not only lost by an astonishing 69-31%, but was done under even though the opponents to the ordinance were outspent by around 2-1 or more.  How?  The opponents, made it a bathroom issue.  I know that there are fears regarding discrimination, but I also  know that the EEOC considers sexual orientation a civil rights issue, and it is against the law to discriminate.  Be that as it may, by more than two to one, Houston residents rejected this law.

In San Francisco, which is so far left they have to look right to see Ralph Nader and Josef Stalin, they kicked out the Sheriff which released Kate Steinle's killer.  Apparently the Sheriff was the only scapegoat the voters could act out on.

Rush Limbaugh says that "conservatism wins every time it is tried." These examples prove that.   I have the opinion that the only way the Republican Party loses in 2016, is if they front an establishment candidate.  Republicans control 70% of the state legislatures, 60% of the governor houses, 55% of the secretaries of state.  The Democrats are on the ropes, and have no bench.

As a reminder for Republicans.  There is a huge undercurrent that could literally wash away the establishment, Trump and Carson, and even Sanders are proof of this.  Remember, the media, and Democrats do not have the health of the GOP in mind when they advise the Republicans.  If Senator Shumer is giving me advice, I am doing the opposite.  As things are, with the right candidate, you will see the Reagan Democrat coalition return in force.

The liar from Nevada, the dishonorable Senator Reid, stopped a debate on Kate's Law, and lied about its contents.  Simply put, the law makes it a mandatory sentence for an illegal returning to the US after having been convicted of violent felonies and deported.  2016 is not soon enough to get rid of this guy.

The Ex-Im bank is being brought back from the dead.  I am embarrassed that my congressman supported that Frankenstein's monster, and did so proudly.  I will plug her the Kronies and its episode regarding the Ex-Im bank.  Check out the kronies.com

Here is the episode

The Pew Research Group released its poll on religion in America,  The one thing that stood out to me was that among Democrats, the largest group was none.  I will address that in more detail later, but suffice to say that it says none, only because their true religion isn't recognized as one.  More to come.


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