Debate assessment, and other things.

Having watched a good part of the debate, and read the reviews, I have a few thoughts on the matter.

Fox News is firmly establishment.  All who are fighting the establishment need to understand this.  Remember, for those that don't know, Establishment Republicans DON'T want small government!  They are perfectly fine with BIG GOVERNMENT, so long as they are either in control of it, or allowed to eat the crumbs off the floor when they are not.

In fact, I think think that we need to change who we define as Republican In Name Only. (RINO).  I think that conservatives need to take that title, and point out what being a Big R republican means, and how, while they use the party to advance their causes, conservatives, and libertarians really do stand for smaller government.

The biggest dilemma for small government conservatives, is that unless they can take control of the government, that can't devolve power to back to the people.  Many Republicans have talked about eliminating departments, I honestly think that a President Paul, or a President Cruz would try very hard to see it through.  Without a conservative Congress willing to take the hit from the lobbyists, there is only so much that they could do. (what I would do would be to not appoint Secretaries for the departments that I am getting rid of, rather, I would put them under a different department, to start the starvation process.

I know, I promised a quick hit on the debate.

Rubio showed himself the establishment Republican best able to win the nomination.  Jeb! seems bewildered, and his campaign staff is all but finished.  Funny, no one mentioned Rubio hooking up with Chuckie Shumer, (D-NY) on the Gang of Eight Amnesty.  He also proved that you can't go toe to toe with a libertarian Republican and come out looking like anything other than an establishment guy.  Kasich, well, he just looked like the "compassionate conservative" that he is. We know where that goes.

Cruz shows why he has been so dominant as a lawyer in the Supreme Court.  He was on point, and tried to position himself as strong, and fiscally responsible.  I could easily vote for the good senator from Texas.  He also has been the only candidate besides Trump that speaks out clearly about illegal immigration.  Thank you Senator Cruz for saying that you would allow the big banks to fail!  Any one that would bail them out is no conservative.

Trump seemed a little off on the TPP deal, (my favorite moment of the debate, after Trump's rant on China and the TPP, Paul pointed out that China isn't part of the agreement)  He is, though, very strong on immigration.  I don't know how he would deport everyone that should be, but if we just say there are too many, well we end up doing nothing.  I have heard many comparisons, so let me ask this.  If the top 12 million taxpayers didn't pay their taxes, would we not chase them down because there are too many?  Good question.

Fiorina held her own, and I am thinking that she would be a great VP choice.  She is clear on speech, and I could vote for her as well, I just don't think that her campaign is up to getting her into the top tier.

Carson was Carson, and I admire the moderators for not taking the low road on cheapshots.  He had a great close, and is the most moral person up on stage.

Paul.  Yes, I support him, but if you watch, or read conservative media, you would agree with me, that in the Paul v Rubio dust up on military spending, you would think that Paul won.  Fox, it seems almost universally, feels he lost.  I will also say that I think that even though he is severely behind in the polls, I think that he has a lot more grassroots support than what people know.

My RINOs?  Cruz, Paul, and to a lesser extent, Fiorina.  Everyone else on stage, both at the kiddie debate, and the big table are interested in expanding government.  Cruz and Paul's tax plans work, not because they are significantly different than the others, but because they have no interest in balancing the budget at a level of spending currently happening.

One last question about immigration;  whose husband actually used the jack booted thugs to force a child to go back to Cuba?  Remember, actions speak louder than words.


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