How times have changed

When I was growing up, my grandmother, who was, if not a dyed in the wool socialist, at least a progressive to the nth degree. (minus the racism so commonly associated with progressives) Needless to say as I grew, and espoused a more conservative viewpoint, we had some differences of opinion.  She always said that "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".  I have never forgotten that.  It seems that along with so many of our rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech is going away.

When I started writing, I will admit that many of my writings were harsh, without regard to people's feelings.  I had some feedback that was, I think valid of previous writing, but not lately.  I realized that if I am truly a Christian, that I probably should not repay in kind for the unkind things that have been said about people of my faith, of my political leaning, race, gender, etc.  I would say that terms that are thrown about such as "white privilege" are inherently racist.  Is it any less offensive than using terms regarding the various races, and ethnic groups?  Yet I do not see any media source shut down someone using that term, as they would if someone used code like "affirmative action candidate" or something along those lines?

Nonetheless, I will try to refrain, knowing that most that confront someone of my ideology won't, from hurling offensive terms, or personal attacks.  FYI.  When it comes to the genocidal Planned Parenthood, I won't ease up when I write about them.  That blacks support this group, whose goal is to eliminate their race, is incomprehensible to me.  They are evil.  Unadulterated evil.

As I am writing, I have a feeling that we are on the verge of WWIII.  Today a Russian fighter jet was shot down by a NATO ally, Turkey.  Russia cannot be happy, Here is an idea to slow down ISIS recruiting in the West.  If we are going to war, get a formal declaration, and start fighting them!  Put the A-10 video on the nightly news of Jihadis being mowed down by depleted uranium shells.  If we have hard evidence of ISIS activity in the US, get a warrant, and put them in prison.  Don't wait to see who they talk to.  People gravitate to winners.  That they are recruiting well in the US tells you all you need to know about who is winning.

There are also rumblings from Chicago over a white policeman, who has been charged with First Degree Murder, killed in a despicable fashion, a young black man.  Yes it took a year to bring the charge, and that should be investigated,  Capital murder!  They might even bring back the death penalty in Illinois to finish this.  But protests are starting, and we can only hope that calmer voices will prevail.  By the way, which party is in control in these cities with these problems?

Lately, the First Amendment has been clamped down in colleges and universities, not only as a matter of school policy. but polls indicate that many of these students are perfectly fine with eliminating free speech, so as not to offend people.  Really?  If that attitude had prevailed before the Civil War, blacks would still be slaves.  End of discussion.  An abolitionist Senator was beaten in the well of the Senate, by one of his peers.  I would say that was probably not a safe zone for free speech.  

I had mentioned in a previous post the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"  Apparently that is incorrect.  What has happened?  Is it preferable to eliminate rights so as to not hurt feelings?  If people think that, then we are screwed.  It is no wonder that religious freedoms are being tossed to the wind.  It is no wonder we jump for joy when our freedoms are one by one eliminated, all for the greater good.

Too much more to write, but it is late.  Had to include the clip.  For security and peace, where have we heard that before?


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