The Theology of Modern Liberalism

I mentioned previously that the Pew Research poll regarding religion has just been released. It should be a surprise to no one that among people identified as Democrats that the largest group was "no religion".  Of course, the problem is that Pew didn't recognize that modern day liberalism is a theology in and of itself.  Don't believe me?  Let me offer some evidence.

First, background.  When President Obama was inaugurated, in his first year, he went on a tour where he essentially apologized for the US being a superpower, and immediately bent over for Russia, by pulling missile defenses from Eastern Europe, leaving our allies exposed.  We gave them a Reset button.  But he did not understand the problem in the Middle East.  The problem is that they didn't hate us because of Bush, or our support for Israel, they hate us for our culture. Our freedom, They feel it is a depraved culture with no morals, Islam is not just a religion, it is a political system.  In our nation, the liberals not only espouse an ideology that can't work, but because it can't, it takes on a near theological stature.

Progressive income taxes have done nothing but increase the gap between the rich and the poor, and has decimated the middle class.  Don't think the rich pay enough, and maybe they should contribute more through higher tax rates?  In the 70s, with tax rates in the 70% range, which they want to bring back, the top 1% paid 19% of all federal income taxes.  Under the current 35% rate, half of the previous, how much of all federal income taxes do the top 1% pay?  About 40%.  Is there something off here?  With lower rates, people are willing to invest, and expose those earnings to taxation, rather than take it off shore, or play the Wall street casino, with nearly free money.  Yet, with all the evidence against them. what do liberals say?  The rich aren't paying their share!  Talk about disconnect from reality!

With the psychological scarring of abortion, both to the individual, as well as the nation overall, and the decimation of an entire race at the altar of women's rights, this sacrament of the left is the most heinous of all, and now, of course, we have an added twist.  This blood sacrifice is bad enough, but now we know that the high priests are running a body shop in back, where they take the sacrifice and sell it off.  Question this ultimate gesture of liberalism, and you are a sexist bigot.

A war on poverty that has gone on for 50 years, and we have nothing to show for it, except for a multigenerational group of people that can do nothing but be summoned to vote for those that keep them in that condition.  It is time to end this war, but it is a crusade of the left.  If only this, if only that.  There is always a reason why they fail.

The liberals' theological seminaries (known as public schools and universities) have become bastions of intolerance when it comes to political instruction.  The doctrine taught is that you cannot offend, unless you are referring to a white obviously bigoted male.  We are creating a generation that doesn't understand the old creed. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me."  Apparently they can.  So we marshal the clerics to stamp out any heresy that may present itself.  We always hear about how cults brainwash their members.  Sounds like that is what they are doing in schools.  Stamp it out.  How dare you speak against the one!

Race.  How screwed up has this nation become when those who have always stood against racism are now branded by the liberals as racists.  How does this happen?  On one hand the liberals stand for genocide, they stand for poverty, they stand for dependence.  Here is a question; is it racist to take the position that a person can not do anything with out the benevolent hand of government?  That is a very evil and totally racist position.  So who gets branded racists?  The conservatives.

Conservatives have to understand that they are not fighting an ideology, they are fighting a theology, where failure is attributed to the individual leading, and success is the collective masses.  People who are ideologues can be argued with, but the theologians of the left, cannot be, they must be defeated.


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