How dare you throw your version of my Christianity in my face, Mr. President.

I am shocked.  Okay, I am not shocked.  It is status quo for this administration, which has done nothing but attack believers, and given people every reason to believe that not only is the President not a Christian, but he gives every appearance of, if not being a Muslim, at least being extremely sympathetic to them.  I am not saying he is a Muslim!  Get it?  Put your straw man back in the closet.

 So, the President wants to import some Syrians, after having imported thousands of Muslim immigrants over the last several years. (So you can put your "racist" epithet away, W did as well, shame on him)  Never mind that the estimated cost to settle them (not including the long term entitlements that they will no doubt receive) is about $54,000 per person.  Any chance we could make a deal with Jordan or the Saudis, or Turkey at a much reduced price to provide shelter and care for them?  Fiscally, it just doesn't make any sense.  Culturally, doesn't it make more sense to settle in a comparable environment?  Unless it is intentional, which goes back to the first paragraph.  What better way to disrupt, and to put even more strain on a broke entitlement system.

I have a friend in Twin that works with various ministries helping the poor directly.  They are preparing for refugees.  As are many churches, and other outreach groups around the country.  They will not judge them when they get here,   When governors are balking at having the federal government drop thousands on their doorstep, more often than not without telling them, they are looking out for their states.  Both from a security point of view, as well as the financial piece.  That is their job.  Did any one mention that the Boston Marathon bombers were muslim refugees from Chechnya?

This is where we go into bizarro world.  The President, unhappy that some probable refugees in Paris have thrown a wrench into his plan, teed off on governors reluctant to take these refugees. Did I mention the cost to federal taxpayer of $54,000 just to resettle them?  So he takes the pulpit, and proceeds to blast these governors, and Republicans in general, intimating that they are hypocritical for claiming to be Christians while not acting Christlike, and being afraid of widows and orphans.   The president that belittles Christians, feeling that the first amendment only covers religion in church worship, and not daily life now wants to know why they are not practicing what they preach?  Am I the only one that sees the problem here?  According to the church of liberalism, faith in God has nothing to do with governing.  So why do we bring religion into it?  And why aren't the antis congratulating the governors for standing on their direct stewardship, and not giving in to these religious blackmails being put on by the administration?  I know the answer to that question too.


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