The Road to Serfdom, or Atlas now non-fiction
Now that I have invoked not only one of the premier economists of the Austrian School (FA Hayek), but the mother of objectivist thought (Ayn Rand) as well, let's talk. Why Socialism is taught as anything other than the abject failure that it leads to is beyond me. To have to suffer through studying this farce of an economic system is more than idiocy, it is dangerous. Marxism , of course is the same application. Why do I say that? Men are not perfect, and no matter how socialism is implemented, it is doomed to fail . Exhibit 1 is Venezuela. Already the drums are beating to blame Maduro for failing to carry on Chavez's legacy. They also blame capital for fleeing the nation. I wonder why that is. A member of OPEC, and sitting on one of the largest known reserves of oil, one would think that if there was ever a case for Socialism to work, it would be there. So, what happened? Well, not satisfied with the royalties b...