A few items.

So, Ms USA is not a feminist, and she thinks that healthcare is a privilege, not a right.  If that is not bad enough.  She is also black, was the Ms. District of Columbia, and works for the federal government.  So, those things would lead someone who profiles to think that she would give a PC answer.  You know.  All blacks are progressives.  All blacks vote Democrat.  All women are feminists.   Traitor!  Traitor!

It is the racist that assumes personal opinion based on skin color, and the sexist who assumes based on gender.

President Trump is moving too slowly on nominations.  At first, I thought: okay, just not fill the positions.  But that is a bad idea.  Because by not putting in people that want to eliminate jobs, to streamline government, there will be no pretense of getting things done.  The bureaucrats in cubicles in DC do one thing well.  Justify their jobs.  It would be next to impossible even with heavy handed heads of departments to chop anyway.  Congress needs to streamline the process to eliminate waste, including positions that are deemed unnecessary.  Okay, those bureaucrats do another thing well.  Wait out the clock.  They know that an election if coming up, and soon DC will collapse into inactivity because of it.

If President Trump doesn't get with the draining, the swamp will get much denser in 2019.  Healthcare reform needs to happen.  Tax reform, preferably starting from scratch, rather than fixing the current system. (Fixing always seems to add pages, not eliminate)  Regulatory reform needs to happen.

I love how the anti Trump movement fancies itself the Resistance.  I mean, whom are they resisting?  They want big government.  They want regulations.  I do think that right now, the way things are going, the Resistance is the only chance the GOP has for 2018.  I mean, they look so ridiculous to normal america, that they may carry the day.  Keep it up, I say!

Senator Rand Paul's response to the Comey firing was awesome, in that it was way overdue.  Here is the deal.  No matter when President Trump would have fired Comey, it would have been a bad time to the minority party in Congress, and their lackeys in the media.  January 20? Stop!  Russians!  Tomorrow?  Stop! Russians.  They are against everything that Trump does.  They have to be, otherwise their base will do double flip outs.  And you think conservatives wag the GOP?    Too bad the GOP in Congress believe Nancy Pelosi, MINORITY leader D-CA, and Senator Schumer, Senate MINORITY leader D-NY, when they tell them how they can keep their majority.  They can't be that stupid, can they?

How does someone who betrays their country, by acting as a foreign agent, passing information to the enemy that gets US soldier killed, gets released from prison and continues to serve in the Army?  He should have been put in front of the proverbial brick wall, and dealt with.  News reports indicate that that is what Pvt. Chelsea Manning gets to do.  (no not the firing squad)  And you and I have paid for he to become a she.  How are your deductibles and copays?

Have you heard that illegal crossings are down 70%?  Probably reluctantly, if at all.

Happy monday!


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