We Surrender! (how many of you read that in a french accent?)

I figured a cross over from the Rim deserves another cross over from the Lib.

I can't find the talk, but President Marion G. Romney, then a member of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints told a story back in the early 1980s.

On the gulf coast of Florida, fishermen put out their nets after fishing for them to dry.  As there were small fish, and pieces of larger ones stuck in them, they attracted a large number of seagulls.  Over time, these gulls became accustomed to waiting for the fishermen to return because with all of the fish left over, there was no need for them to fish themselves.  There were generations that were taught to wait for the nets.  One day, the fishermen didn't come.  They had relocated to a different place on the coast.  Literally hundreds or thousands of these gulls starved, as they had never learned to fish.

How does that relate?  Keep reading.

For over 50 years we have been fighting a war on poverty.   This is a "noble war", in that of course the cause is "just" so to speak.  No, I am not talking about those who REALLY can't take care of themselves.  But truth is, that even with the funding of $60,000 per family living below the poverty level many would starve, or be homeless, were it not for the work of charities across the land.  Here is the deal.  And you tell me whether this cause is lost.  In 1965, the poverty rate was about 15%.  Today, it is hovering around.... 14.5%.  Or as an average since 1965, it would be.... 15%.  If we say we are at a stalemate in Afghanistan (we are), or the Middle East (same), and progressives and libertarians are crying to get out, to disengage, then shouldn't we look with the same eye at how the domestic war on poverty?  At what point do we say that we haven't moved the needle?  Because we haven't.

Want to know the real way to end poverty?  Simple.  Graduate HIGH SCHOOL.  Get married BEFORE you have children,  Yes, High School.  Want to know what the poverty rate is if you meet those criteria?  Single digits.  And it cuts across race and nationalities.

And yes, the $60,000 is an accurate number.  It is the number BEFORE federal, state, and local bureaucrats get their share.  Remember, 85 cents out of every dollar is bureaucratic costs.

Of course, we are fighting another domestic war.  It started with the propaganda film, "Reefer Madness".  I remember watching that at one of the Labor Day weekend all nighters  after HS, at the Drive in.  (KY102!)  Yeah.  Of course.  It is the war on drugs.  Something needs to be done.  Not only about the laws, but those in prison for no reason other than some possession charges.  Of course, a review of original charges should be done before a blanket amnesty (assault, gun charges, etc)  So many crimes would be significantly reduced, or eliminated.  Drug Trafficking, and all that crap along the border.  If these substances were legalized, they could be regulated, and the black market trade would drop.  A lot.  Think about that along the border.  Trafficking people into the country is far less profitable, and far more dangerous than the illegal drug trade.  Eliminate that market, and a lot of things could change.

I do like that states are opting to ignore the Federal Drug Laws.  As it should be constitutionally.  Each step that eats away at the leviathan federal government is good.

These wars are lost.  They can't be won.  As Christ said, "for ye have the poor always with you" Matthew 26:11 KJV.  Charities (except the Clinton Foundation) usually operate on the reverse.  15 cents for costs, (or less) and 85 cents for the doing.  Let them step up (they already are)

We need a new approach.  The time  is now.


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