an open letter to the President

Funny how innocent until proven guilty rarely applies to Republicans, and certainly not to the current occupant of the White House.

I can't write anything that will make you think I am not a Trump shrill.  If he tried to influence the FBI's cases, he MUST resign.  That is it.  End of story 

He can't win.  No, he doesn't help his cause.  His communications are terrible, and horribly inconsistent, with ever changing stories.  But if he shut off Twitter, and went incommunicado, then we would be hearing about everything cloaked in secrecy.  

Oh, and on a side note.  If the Supreme Court had approached O-care the way that the 9th Circuit is approaching the President's travel ban, (by referring to campaign rhetoric) then it would have been ruled unconstitutional, as people were promised that "if they like their plan, they can keep their plan" (Politifact's 2013 lie of the year)  A law should be judged based on the language of the law, and that is it.

So, IF he really wants to drain the swamp, then...

Mr. President.

Please, take heed to what is happening around you.  No one in Washington wants you to be successful.  They know that your actions could upset the balance between Congress, the bureaucracy, and the special interests.  Party is irrelevant.  Democrats, Republicans, none of them want an outsider to be successful.  In fact, your only friends may be the Freedom Caucus, and other like-minded truly small government thinkers.  If they butt heads with the establishment, they can probably be trusted.

The media is a problem, and those that enjoyed the ratings you gave them during the campaign are now working day and night to tear you down.  They never thought you had a chance, and so they rode you all the way to election night.  They are not honest.  They are not seeking truth.  They are seeking your destruction.   They want federal employees to break the law by revealing information.  "Anonymous sources"  it can be innuendo, and that is enough.

Your real problems lie within the confines of government.

I wasn't kidding in my previous post about serious penalties for those to be found passing information to the press.  I would force polygraph tests on EVERYONE working in the White House.  If they refuse, get them out.  Working for the Federal Government is a privilege, not a right.  Until there is Civil Service Reform, nothing can be done, except to move them out of positions of influence.  Better to let them play with their fidget spinners than to impact the President's ability to enact policy.

Fire the political appointees that you didn't appoint.  Any that were converted to career service, pull their clearances and let them sit in a room surfing the net. (Intranet, not internet)

Beyond that.  Get your people in place.  Get their names to the Senate, and tell Senator McConnell that they need to move.

Tell Congress that if they don't want AG Sessions to enforce the drug laws,THEY need to do something .  Tell them you would sign legislation significantly cutting back on the war on drugs, and judicial reform.  Otherwise, Sessions is doing his job that he swore to do.

Make sure Congress understands that the piece of crap budget deal you signed is the last omnibus you will sign.  Budgets are done by separate appropriation bills, or should be.   Tell Congress they make laws, not the Executive, and that you will veto any bill that requires regulation written by the Executive.

And lastly;

IF you tried to pressure Comey, then come clean, and get out.  We didn't vote for that.  IF you didn't, then put all the cards on the table, and be honest about it.  The people that put you in office deserve it.  This needs to end.   The swamp is filling.  


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