
Too late, well past that number now.  What is it?  The national debt, EXCLUDING future obligations for Social Security, and Medicare.  Want to know what those numbers are?

Besides the National Debt, which only includes the day to day needs of the government, there is:

$8.5 Trillion in other liabilities, such as federal pensions, accounts payable, and others
$29 Trillion for Social Security, ABOVE and BEYOND what is being collected, for CURRENT recipients
$32.9 Trillion for Medicare, ABOVE and BEYOND what is being collected for CURRENT recipients.
(Agresti, J. D. (2017, September 11). National Debt Facts. Just Facts. Retrieved September 12, 2017) from www.justfacts.com/nationaldebt.asp

Chew on those numbers for a while.  If you are not a current recipient, well, calculate those odds.

For the moment there is no brake on this.  It is rolling like a 120 car freight train.

So, with all this money going to the government to fund entitlements, (19% excluding Social Security, and Medicare, 41% including)  and dollars?  $741 billion and $1.573 trillion, respectively.  Why is there ANY need to help the poor through charitable organizations?  After all, that is a heck of a lot of money.

Because it takes time for government money to make its way to those that are in need, whether they suffer from job loss, or underemployment, family crises, homelessness, or disaster relief.  With the funnel of government, not enough comes out to those that need it.

Oh, and taxes are taken at gunpoint, forgot about that.  I don't remember charity being defined that way, but whatever.

So we are borrowing a billion a day, and turning around and giving away almost half of that, to the people we are borrowing from.  Think on that one.  You don't pay income tax?  Well, with that deficit spending, guess what has happened to the value of your dollar?  Yeah, you are paying,  it is the worst tax there is.  The one that is only obvious when you wonder where your money went.

The poor in this country would be in bad shape without the charitable actions of community and neighbors, usually from a church, or churches, even with the money coming from government.

When a disaster happens, it takes time for the government to get there.  When in Idaho, I studied the Teton Dam failure.  If you lived on the plain below the dam, your house was destroyed.  By the time FEMA showed up, people had already been housed, assignments had been made to start the clean up, and rescue operations were underway.  Bottom line?  When something happens, people have to rely on themselves, and their neighbors.  At least in the short term.

If you have, give,  something.  Give anything you can.  There are people rushing to help, they need food, gasoline, hygiene products.  I have a friend rushing to aid, as she always does.  Goods are awesome, money, if you have it is better.  That way someone on site can determine what is needed.

I won't list the charities, but they are easy to find.  Check out their administrative costs. some charities may not be as efficient as others.  Because, even with all of the federal money that is on its way, money is needed, now.

Freely giving money, goods, or service to a cause.  Now that IS charity.  In its purest form.


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