A letter to conservatives

Dear Conservative,

Are you tired of the GOP letting you down?  Are you tired of the constant broken promises?

I was you in 2014.  Or rather, 2015, when the GOP controlled Senate was unable to do all of the things that they said "if only we had the Senate" on. 

Quoting Roberto Duran, I said "No mas".

I voted for Trump, after dallying with Gary Johnson.  I have spent the last year defending the President on these pages, which you are no doubt aware.  He is not the autocrat, fill in the blank -ist, or -obic.  He is apolitical, but is running true to the conservative message. 

What about Senator McConnell, the one who couldn't get his Senate to fulfill its promise?  Yes, we are getting good originalist judges.  But repealing Ocare?  What about real tax reform?  The Democrats we can excuse, but the GOP?  I don't think that they are serious about reform.  Yes, we can point at the Senate RINOs, but really it's McConnell.  If they fix anything, they can't use it. 

I think that Senator McConnell would rather be Senate Minority leader, than give President Trump a victory.  How do you feel about your party now?  The GOP is every bit a part of the DC Swamp.

What if McConnell had a hand in torpedoing Judge Moore in AL?  Within an hour of the first report, with no one knowing whether it was verified or not,  McConnell is out calling for Moore to withdraw from the nomination.  Hmmm.

I am not excusing Judge Moore.  If he did any of the things he is accused of, he should withdraw, and the GOP can try to figure out what to do, if they want to.  And if he didn't?  Damage is done.  No due process.

So, how are you feeling?  If you look at blacks, they vote Democrat as a solid block.  And the Democrats treat them like crap.  Failing schools, crumbling infrastructure. Failed families and social nets.  And yet they come around telling them what would happen if the GOP wins. 

Does that sound familiar?   Does the swamp RNC say anything like: "What happens if Hillary wins?"  "Do you want your taxes to go up?"  "Do you want the second amendment to be eliminated?"  So what do you do?  Yeah, I know.

It is time to stop, and to tell them very clearly:



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