So much to say about taxes, and other things.

I worry about the future of this nation,

So many feel that the US is so oppressive,  why can't we be like everyone else?  After all, Syria signed on the Paris Accords for Climate Change, leaving the US as the only developed nation to not sign it.  Of course, what people point to when they talk about how even bad players like Assad have signed on, what does that make us?  Simple, considering that the Paris Treaty is an extortion of the US to the world, I would say pretty darn smart.

Judge Moore, the candidate for US Senate in Alabama has had allegations tossed out that he had raped, or assaulted a minor many years ago.   The loudest voices seem to be Republicans calling for him to step down.  It probably doesn't even matter whether the allegations are true, it is probably the end of his political career, (and should be, if they are) and what was once a very positive chance to increase the GOP majority in the Senate is now looking more and more like that is in doubt. No Ocare repeal, some bogus frankentaxreform.  Big trouble

Have you heard of Senator Bob Menendez?  He is on trial for all sorts of bad things, the jury is deliberating now, and the outcome is uncertain.  (D-NJ)  Haven't seen  much in the news on this.

I have posted a lot of short little meme thoughts regarding the tax thing that is going on.  Whatever it is, it is apparent that it is NOT real reform.

I have taken the time to write my Congresswoman, who serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, as well as posting on her Facebook page regarding her updates on this horrible NOT REFORM bill.  If it isn't reform, then why are they doing it?  How does it simplify anything?  Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) ran ads during the 2016 Presidential primary about how he would destroy the tax code.  Chainsaw?  Yup,  Woodchipper?  yup.  Flamethrower?  Sure.  Shooting it?  Yes to all of the above.

The reason I wanted to write, was getting engaged on the good Congresswoman's facebook feed was enlightening, and not in a good way.  Some thought that the purpose of taxes was for the rich to pay more, because the poor couldn't afford it.  Really?  How much BS is that?  (Answer, TOO MUCH)  or rather, that should be considered BS.  When you point out that Soc. Sec. and Medicare are #1 and 2, people flip.  They start talking about how those programs are solvent, and will be for years in the future. If you mean by solvent that they are no longer taking in enough to pay their bills and are now cashing Congressional IOUs, then I guess you are right.  They are in the red, they will be in the red forever, until those two items (and interest on the debt) take over the entire federal budget.

It infuriates me when people talk about the deficits under the Reagan and Bush 43's tax cuts.  Let us be clear.  We had deficits, not because of reduced revenues, BUT BECAUSE OF INCREASED SPENDING!  In fact, revenues went up until the recession in 90 and the housing crisis of 08.

We have had over 100 years of using a progressive tax code to reduce income inequality.  It hasn't worked, and we should be grateful, as the only way it could would be for everyone to be poor, a la Venezuela, Cuba, or North Korea.

Tax reform should be about revenue, and the more simple and efficient to collect, the better.  Right now, taxes are about control, and very inefficient factoring cost to revenue.  Income and corporate tax alone bring in about 60% of the total revenue, or about $2.2 trillion dollars.  the private sector cost alone for this is estimated at 400-600 billion, or about 20-30%.  Insane.  Adding to the code will not help that number.  Eliminating the code, shredding, cutting, burning, or shooting it, is the only way.  Yes, some will pay more, but if you aren't paying now, then YES YOU SHOULD PAY SOME!  

Oh, and stop the Baseline budgeting crap.


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