
Showing posts from June, 2017

Travel Ban-9, 9th and 4th Circuits-0, and so much more

Senator and Mrs. Sanders are under investigation for fraud by the FBI.  He claims it is politically motivated.  Funny that he would be under investigation for the same crimes he accuses Wall Street of committing on a regular basis. Every one loved Bernie.  He was the one speaking truth to power.  Or so he said.  What he didn't say, was that for all of the things that he wanted to do, taxes would have to go up on more than just the rich.   Had he been honest, he would have said that his proposals would have required somewhere around a 40% income tax rate on every one earning $50,000 a year or more.  I would have given him credit for that, but he knew that wouldn't sell.  For those that advocate single payer healthcare, be honest.   Tell everyone that they will see a minimum of $1,000 a month increase in taxes to pay for it.   Since I last wrote, the California legislature has shelved single payer health care for the time being. ...

John Wilkes Depp- and Healthcare too

Nothing like rhetorically asking if there would be a starring role in a reprise of Ford's Theater.  Good job, Cry-Baby (1990 film).  I think  Depp is a great actor, but crossed the line on this.  Entertainers too often want to be heard, but when they cross the line, they fall back on being...entertainers. For the record, the Patient Affordable Care Act (Ocare) has NOT been changed, has NOT had anything stripped from it, and is STILL the law of the land,   -Insurers were bailing from the exchanges long before President Trump was inaugurated, and continue to do so. -Deductibles are so high that it is nearly pointless to have insurance, even with the premium subsidies. -Legal Penalties are not sufficient to force people into the exchanges. Actuarial tables are wrecked. -Waivers to businesses to not provide group insurance force more people into the exchanges.  Waivers granted by President Obama, FYI. -Medicaid covers the majority of people signin...

Slants! Redskins! The horror, and other thoughts

In Matal vs Tam, the Supremes unanimously sided with the Constitution over the office of Trademarks.  The 8-0 decision offered a couple of opinions from the Justices, but the bottom line is that the Trademark office cannot deny a trademark simply because "THEY" (the most nebulous description of people ever) found it offensive. Now before you cry RACIST! and report me to the thought police, suffice to say that it was an Asian American band that wanted to trademark "the Slants" .  Of course, writing this, I am thinking about the dentist on Seinfeld, and that when he "converted" to Judaism, felt it was okay to tell disparaging Jewish jokes.  The 1st Amendment was ratified by justices sworn to uphold it.  The Redskins will no doubt get their trademark back.  Why would anyone, by the way, name their team after something that people despise?  Usually mascots are to honor an heritage.  Right?  Of course, having graduated from High School as a "Troj...

Where do we point blame?

Even though when Gabby Giffords was shot in Tucson and Senator Sanders tried to link all gun owners to the shooting, I would never link Senator Sanders' supporters to the shooting today.  Make sure you read to the end, otherwise, you may have a mistaken impression of my point. Too soon to tell, but I guess, for once, the hopeful press was correct, in that it was not an ISIS inspired attack.  I am referring to the attack on GOP congress members practicing for an upcoming charity softball game.  It is reported that before opening fire, he asked one of them if they were Republicans or Democrats .   Rep Scalise R-LA is still in critical condition, and others were injured. First, the media tried the gun control angle, but that was complicated by the shooter not only being a supporter of Senator Sanders, I-VT , but had worked on his campaign.  And if that wasn't enough, he was a climate alarmist to boot.   Democrats , Republicans, and the President for t...

Tweet this, you filthy animal

You know, I love how it is a full court press against President Trump.  The Democrats , of course, are lockstep against him.  They were dealt a blow last week, when their latest greatest hope popped the balloon.    When the conditions were reversed in 2008, the GOP did try to affect the various pieces of legislation.  Of course, elections have consequences, and they were SHUT OUT of the process completely. Fast forward to 2017, and the GOP has narrow majorities in both houses.  When Healthcare came up in the House, the Democrats would not even try to fix their signature legislation that is known as the Patient Affordable Care Act . You know, where if you like your Doctor, you could keep him, if you like your insurance you can keep it, and finally, it would save the average family $2,500 a year in premiums.  They refuse to participate, they are sitting on their hands, all the while knowing the media will shelter them. No proposed amendments on a...

Your "RIGHT" to healthcare going right down the toilet.

As Anthem announced that they were pulling out of several counties in Ohio, leaving some with no exchange plans, one must ask how their "right" to health care is going right now.  I use the word right, as that is how they perceive it.  As a reminder, something that forces someone else to do something for you is not a right.  Back to programming. These counties are left without private plans, and it will spread throughout the US, for one reason;  Ocare.  Before Ocare, people not covered by their employers had several options.   They could not have any coverage .   They could get a "Catastrophic Plan" that covers serious situations, not your every day strep, or flu visit .  They could also construct a plan based on their needs, and how much they could afford .  All that is gone, as now there can't be any of those plans.  Even not having coverage is ILLEGAL . The CBO report said something like 24 million would no longer be covered. ...

Cleared for the option, Left closed traffic, click click.

For people that aren't pilots, or aviation aficionados, or even a few enroute center types, the title may seem like jibberish. Most of the piece will be phil's two cents on the privatization of the Air Traffic Control (ATC) system, but a few housecleaning items along  the way. Tomorrow begins the real nothing burger.  Driveby media (CNN and ABC) are both reporting that Comey will not testify that the President tried to force him to drop the Russian investigation.  That, and a Bernie loving Deep State contractor has now been arrested for illegally forwarding information.  They are downplaying big time, knowing that it is extremely unlikely that there will be any bombshells. Senator Schumer, D-NY , is arguing that they don't have a say in the Repeal and Replace process for Ocare.  He argues that the GOP says Ocare sucks because it was one party that did it, and now the GOP is doing  the same thing.  Huge difference, Chucky, because GOP membe...

They don't believe it either.

A couple of topics today. 1.  They have apparently arrested a federal contractor for leaking Top Secret classified material to the press.   My only question is "is the chair still an option where she was arrested?"  or "would it be  by firing squad?"  Of course that may be a slight exaggeration, but if they get a conviction, they really need to maximize the sentence.  Nothing like a signal to other leakers.  In this case, they should fine the crap out of the contractor as well. 2.  We may get a ruling from the Supremes on President Trump's travel ban in December.  I highlighted previously why a challenge to this watered down ban is ridiculous.  Here is why it is too narrow.  The Manchester bombing and many other attacks in Europe have been committed by European born children of immigrants who have been radicalized.  Why is that important?  When it comes to Visas, it is not much harder for these terrorists in waiting...

Get US out of the UN?

So now the UN has decided to step in, and will try to block the US withdrawing from the bogus Paris Treaty, not Treaty. You know, the Birchers always had signs that said "Get US out of the UN!"  Some people thought that they were nuts, but I am beginning to say not so much now. Ambassador Hailey needs to explain to the UN , that Treaties are not valid until the Senate ratifies them.  A President has NO AUTHORITY to commit the nation to anything on his own.  In reality, that is the point of the Senate on Treaties.  They represent the several states, and it is by 2/3rds Majority that a treaty is ratified.  It is essentially adding it to the Constitution. Of course, back in the 90s, President Clinton had signed the Kyoto Treaty, but never submitted it to the Senate, knowing full well that it would NEVER be ratified.  President W announced that we were no longer on board.  He should have submitted it to the Senate to turn it down, rather than u...

Here it comes

Fourth in what, two days?  Holy cow! By now, the previous post is not particularly relevant.  For now. The world is moaning and groaning about the US not wanting to surrender its production to them.  Make no mistake, that is what it is about, internationally.  It isn't about warming, or CO2, or whatever.  Here, nationally, the Ds in the Senate dodged a bullet.  They can whine about the Agreement going the way of Kathy Griffin's career, at least short term, because they aren't on the spot.  They shouldn't whine too much though, as when the law suits start, and they will, the President may just toss it to the Constitution, and the Senate for ratification.  Well I can always dream. So, we know that Elon Musk, Mr. "Green energy subsidy cars and more" , said he would quit the various councils that he is on with the President.  Were you, dear reader, even aware that one of your progressive heroes was assisting  the President?  Well,...

A Traitorous Act of War

No, I am not writing about the Deep State leakers in the Administration, though I could be.  They need to be ferreted out and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They won't be fired, but sitting in prison, at least they won't be able to continue the leaks. This was a statement by Tom Steyer, noted Democrat donor, and one of the chief cornerstones of the global warming cult.  What was he talking about?  Why the threat of President Trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement on, well whatever it is about.  I guess it is the redistribution from the US and Europe to other nations?  What it is certainly not about is Climate Change.  If it were, India, Russia, China, and other producing nations would have to be subject to the same rules as they are trying to impose on the US.  As it is, they don't have to do anything until 2030, at the soonest. The President has an easy way out, and he should take it.  Submit the "Agreement" to the Senate a...