Tweet this, you filthy animal

You know, I love how it is a full court press against President Trump.  The Democrats, of course, are lockstep against him.  They were dealt a blow last week, when their latest greatest hope popped the balloon.    When the conditions were reversed in 2008, the GOP did try to affect the various pieces of legislation.  Of course, elections have consequences, and they were SHUT OUT of the process completely.

Fast forward to 2017, and the GOP has narrow majorities in both houses.  When Healthcare came up in the House, the Democrats would not even try to fix their signature legislation that is known as the Patient Affordable Care Act. You know, where if you like your Doctor, you could keep him, if you like your insurance you can keep it, and finally, it would save the average family $2,500 a year in premiums.  They refuse to participate, they are sitting on their hands, all the while knowing the media will shelter them.

No proposed amendments on anything.  The President could have proposed their nirvana, Single payer health care, and not one Democrat would vote for it.  Well, except a few in the Senate.  He could throw open the treasury of IOUs and spend spend spend, and you would see Deficit Hawks on their side.

Besides the Democrats, you have the Establishment GOP.  I read that Rush Limbaugh opined that they don't want Mr. Trump to succeed anymore than the Democrats do.  They don't want their precious world disrupted.  The Bull in the China shop, as I have frequently mentioned.  All Libertarians should be paying close attention to what happens to someone that wants to seriously disrupt the status quo.  They should be cheering him.  chirp chirp.

Next up, the media.  Those traitorous types that solicit law breaking.  They offer rewards for information.  They facilitate leakers.  No issue with whistleblowing, of course, but there is a huge difference between whistleblowing and leaking information for political purposes.  Punishment should be SEVERE.  Death Penalty?  That would probably stop the leaks.  Maybe Reality Winner could be the first.  Fire up Old Sparky, or not.   Which leads us to the Deep State.  Libertarians this is important.

I know, it is a Trump-ism.  And of course those in the media scoff at the idea,   They start referring to those that use the term as tin-foils, and other conspiracy nuts.  They aren't.  If someone runs on the idea of shredding the bureaucracy, and then starts acting like he means it, they will fight.  They will run to the lobbyists, they will run to Congress, and of course the media.  Congress doesn't want to change that status quo, after all, it is so easy to pass a framework, and let the "bureaucracy" craft the regulations.  It is a win win for them.  They can say that they voted for something that people like, and turn around and complain about how it was implemented.


Were it not for Twitter, President Trump would be even more paralyzed politically than he is now.  Twitter allows him to reach the people, in spite of the media.  In fact, it is amplified, as the media hasn't figured out how he won the election.  As they make fun of his tweets, as they cut into him, in a way they are making him a martyr.  Check his support among people that voted for him, they are still supporting him, even more so.

To the GOP in Congress, pay attention.  Doing nothing will cost you your majority.  I know you really don't care, but think about all the cushy perks that are part and parcel of that.  You have to lead, you have to govern.  Stop acting like the minority.  You were voted in to do a job, now do it!


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