Slants! Redskins! The horror, and other thoughts

In Matal vs Tam, the Supremes unanimously sided with the Constitution over the office of Trademarks.  The 8-0 decision offered a couple of opinions from the Justices, but the bottom line is that the Trademark office cannot deny a trademark simply because "THEY" (the most nebulous description of people ever) found it offensive.

Now before you cry RACIST! and report me to the thought police, suffice to say that it was an Asian American band that wanted to trademark "the Slants".  Of course, writing this, I am thinking about the dentist on Seinfeld, and that when he "converted" to Judaism, felt it was okay to tell disparaging Jewish jokes.  The 1st Amendment was ratified by justices sworn to uphold it.  The Redskins will no doubt get their trademark back.  Why would anyone, by the way, name their team after something that people despise?  Usually mascots are to honor an heritage.  Right?  Of course, having graduated from High School as a "Trojan", you have to wonder, I mean, come on, the Trojans were fooled by a wooden horse!

Can we put to bed the idea that massive money directly effects elections?  The recently concluded special election for the GA-6 District, now known as the most expensive House race in history, had over $50 million spent.  In case you were wondering if the party that is normally affiliated with big money got it in this race, you would be right... if you understand that the party of big money, and Wall Street is the Democrat party.  While we await the official totals raised, it was 23.4 million for the Democrat, and something like 4 million for the Republican.  That was campaign money, not PAC money.  This race, like the just concluded Presidential race both prove that money with 1. no message, + 2. the worst candidate in the history of presidential races, + 3. the worst run campaign in Presidential history, = President Trump.  Where was the most money?  Yup, the Ds.  President Trump ran with a message that resonated with the average American.  

People are whining about the Paris agreement being scrapped.  Good.  We were being hoodwinked right and left.  Fun fact.  Did you know that Germany, to meet its "goals" for carbon output, classified burning wood as "a renewable energy" and doesn't count the pollution coming off the wood fire towards its carbon output.  Number one polluter per kwh?  Coal?  Wrong,  it is wood.  FYI.  Still not seeing all those folks moving off the coasts just yet.

I am glad that the GOP is tossing around the idea of no summer recess.  Maybe it would be better to just say that they can go on recess when their work is done.  Every person in the private sector ties up all loose ends before going on vacation. (if they even get one)

Privatization of ATC was just introduced formally.  I will be watching as I still have friends in that business that will be impacted directly, and, I do fly occasionally.

When will we start  getting out of these wars all over the world?  Afghanistan can't be won, how long are we going to be the police of that nation?  The same could be said about the Middle East.  IF we were to somehow defeat ISIS there, then what?  If we join in to fight Assad, then we are pitted against Iran and Russia.  Talk about a no win scenario.  At some point we need to realize that we CAN'T fix the problem  The sooner we realize that, the better.  President Trump seems to be escalating over there, rather than what he campaigned on.  Not a good thing.

One last piece.  Whether it is the war on poverty (lost), or the war on drugs (also lost), we need to evaluate these "wars" and determine what we want to do.  The same with immigration.  As we are observing the vast majority of the Obama legacy being Executive Ordered out of existence, we know that what one can do, the next can undo.  We need to return to Congress passing laws, and the Executive enforcing them.  It is much more difficult to remove statute than EO.  Plus, it puts Congress on the hook if they write more law, and leave less regulation to the Executive.  You don't want AG Sessions busting potheads?  Demand the law change!  You don't want him going after little DREAMER kid?  Fix the law! 

If you are sitting around whining about the enforcement of immigration and drug laws,  let me ask you.  Have you written your Congressman/woman?  Have you opined on them to your local newspaper? Do you write a blog?  How many people do you reach?  For this blog, I would say that the average viewer count for each post is about 30.  (thank you)  But most of you have so many more friends, and they MIGHT listen to YOUR opinions.  Regardless of your political persuasion, if we want the ideal of WE THE PEOPLE to work, we have learn about the issue, act on the issue, and share what we have learned.  Boy that sounds familiar.  DO! DO! DO!    


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